LIFETEEN.COM BLOG GUARDING YOUR HOUSE: HOW TO FIGHT THE DEVIL AND WIN by Faith Noah I’m afraid of water tubing. As a kid, while spending a day on the lake, I got stuck underneath the tube and dragged behind the boat. My mom was a whole rope’s length away, watching from the back of the boat. I emerged hysteric and scared. Since then, I’ve always been a little weary to venture out into the water. What if I sink? Who will be out there on the water to save me? WHEN THE STORM ROLLS IN In my journey to Christ, I’ve noticed a similar apprehension. Like St. Peter walking out to Christ upon the sea (Matthew 14:22-23), I’m always afraid that my faith won’t be sufficient to keep me afloat. As Christians, this is part of our walk. Like St. Peter, we know the joy of walking beside Christ; but still, we can’t shake the storms that inevitably roll in. We look around and realize that the waves are high and the wind is against us. We doubt that we are strong enough to do what Christ asks of us. And the second we doubt, we sink. Our journey as followers of Christ is only beginning when we step out upon the water. We face not a peaceful stroll across the sea, but a tumultuous battle, fighting to stay afloat with every step. Once we think we have finally mastered the art of walking alongside Christ, another storm will arrive, bringing with it a whole new set of challenges. Through these storms, the devil whispers in our ears, tempting us to abandon hope, to believe his lies. You aren’t strong enough, he tells us. You could never do the impossible. You are alone in this struggle. Christ has forgotten you. Christ cannot save you. With each whisper we believe, we chain ourselves to a heavy stone at the bottom of the ocean, sinking further and further into the depths. THE DEVIL IS REAL It’s easy to trivialize the devil, to think of him as nothing more than a red-horned, pitchfork-bearing Halloween costume. But Satan is real, and he hates us with every bone in his spirit. The devil and demons — formerly angels created good by the Father — were given the gift of free will. During the Fall, however, they sought equality with God and, abusing their free will, irrevocably rejected His authority. Out of pride, they separated themselves from their Father’s love, purposefully choosing evil. In the Garden of Eden, the devil tempted man to resist God as he had, and out of this temptation the fallen state of humanity was born. We gave in to the devil’s persuasions, and thus accepted sin and its consequences of suffering and death (CCC 391-401). For this reason, evil exists in our world–and tries every day to win us over. The devil tempts us constantly, in the whispers of doubt, the lies, the urges. He pokes and prods, looking for a crack inour armor, and when he finds it, he launches a full assault. Sometimes it is blatant. We see the devil face to face and are faced with a choice: listen to him, or turn to God. Other times, he silently makes his home in our heart with small temptations and notions of indifference. We grow comfortable with what he offers, and slowly and surely, he gains control. As CS Lewis states in Screwtape Letters, “the safest road to Hell is the gradual one — the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.” The devil is okay with a slow and gradual slope, just as long as it still leads to hell. PROTECT YOUR HOME The more we pursue Christ, the more the devil pursues us. He runs after us, looking for blood. But our Father runs faster, and has already shed every ounce of His blood — so we wouldn’t need to. As Pope Francis said, to realize this endless love, we must guard our hearts from the devil “just as you protect your home.” 1. LOCK THE DOORS. Christ alone must have full reign over our hearts. We can’t leave the door open for the devil, even if only a crack. When the devil left Jesus after tempting Him in the desert, he decided to come back again at an “opportune time.” To fight the devil before he strikes, we have to rob him of this opportune time. 2. SET THE ALARM. We must remain attentive, ready to detect the devil’s subtle invasions. Through regular examination of conscience, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and a community of witnesses holding us accountable to holiness, we can ensure that the devil doesn’t slip into our hearts unnoticed. 3. CALL THE POLICE. The Holy Communion of Saints and our guardian angel should be on speed dial amid this struggle. They know the battle and the enemy far better than we do, and they’re always willing to help. We need only invite them to our assistance. ONE IS TOO MANY You are a saint in the making. You are a child of God, His precious little one, and “whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea” (Mark 9:42). You’re not meant to end up at the bottom of the ocean. The devil is. Jesus is not going to stand by while you struggle. He’s not going to watch His beloved son or daughter drown. No — He’s going to walk out amid the storm and reach His hand out to save you. Because for Jesus Christ, one soul handed over to the devil is too many. (Painting by Yongsung Kim, The stakes are high, and this battle is anything but easy. You’re fighting the prince of this world. But the King of the next is greater — and He’s on your side. Let Christ help you to fight the whispers of doubt. Let Him remind you that, with God, you are strong enough. You are loved. You are never more than an arm’s reach away from salvation. Put on the armor of Christ, prepare for war, and tell the devil to hit you with his best shot. Doesn’t he know Whose you are?
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:17:57 +0000

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