LIFEWORK: Do you have a story that you tell about how there are no - TopicsExpress


LIFEWORK: Do you have a story that you tell about how there are no good men/women left in the world? All men are dogs! Women cant be trusted, Son! If you truly believe these statements to be true, than you cannot be upset when you continue to attract men/women who fit that description. Remember: The Universe responds to your strongest emotions, not what you want. So, if every time you get ready to start dating someone you believe that its not going to end well, guess what? Its not going to end well. You are the creator, (or attractor, if you will,) of the types of relationships that you will experience, and who you attract will depend on who you are Being. If you are a person who is not trusting, then you will attract people who are not trustworthy. Your Ego needs to be right, so it will only attract to itself experiences that make it right. You need to believe that all men are dogs, so you attract men who will support that believe. Make sense? But Coach Stephanie, all of the men I have dated HAVE been dogs! And all of the women Ive dated COULDNT be trusted! So how can I believe anything different than that!?! Thats what youre thinking right? YOU are the common denominator in all of your relationships. If you are attracting people who cannot be trusted, then you must look within to see where you are exhibiting or believing in similar behaviors. Just because youve had bad experiences with men/women, doesnt mean that ALL men/women are bad. Believing so is what we call Cognitive Distortions; exaggerated and irrational thoughts. Some of the symptoms of Cognitive Distortions are: 1. All-or-nothing thinking (splitting) – Thinking of things in absolute terms, like always, every, never, and there is no alternative. Few aspects of human behavior are so absolute. 2. Overgeneralization – Taking isolated cases and using them to make wide generalizations. 3. Mental filter – Focusing almost exclusively on certain, usually negative or upsetting, aspects of an event while ignoring other positive aspects. For example, focusing on a tiny imperfection in a piece of otherwise useful clothing. 4. Disqualifying the positive – Continually deemphasizing or shooting down positive experiences for arbitrary, ad hoc reasons. 5. Jumping to conclusions – Drawing conclusions (usually negative) from little (if any) evidence. Two specific subtypes are also identified: * Mind reading – Assuming special knowledge of the intentions or thoughts of others. * Fortune telling – Exaggerating how things will turn out before they happen. These are just a few examples; do any of them sound familiar? LOL, I thought so. No worries, because these patterns of thought can be changed. Instead of saying, There are no good men left in the world! Women cant be trusted! try these Affirmations instead: *I know more men/women that I have good feelings about than negative feelings. * There are exceptional men/women all over the world! * Men/women are worth trusting. * I trust myself to attract the best Soul Mate for me. Simply changing your perspective on what types of men/women are available in this world will begin to shift how you feel about relationships, causing you to attract more improved dating experiences.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 23:46:13 +0000

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