LIGHT BEINGS...Shine your light on the world... In the focus of - TopicsExpress


LIGHT BEINGS...Shine your light on the world... In the focus of synchronicity, I want to share an experience I had tonight. Now these scenarios, in different forms, have been occurring more often along my path, but every so often one just sticks out enough that I feel would be beneficial to share. Tonight I attended a networking event that Jennifer, put together. It is always a pleasure connecting energy with her, and I also came across several people I havent seen in some time, always a treat, which has been occurring consistently as of late, and all of us are growing along the same path so it carries even greater purpose. Then I get introduced to a woman who is putting together this ZenCruise that I just saw an ad posted on a door about at the Buddha Lounge the night before and it stuck out to me. It turns out she and I had crossed paths through specific circles years ago and we are doing similar things and she is also looking to connect with another spiritual community that it just so happens I am collabing with presently. So I leave out early cause something in me says its time to go, I got work to do. And Im excited for all that we are creating and my creative juices are flowing in my mind toward whats to come. As I am driving home I realize my gas tank is below E. I stop by two gas stations and both gas stations have plastic bags over the nozzles and they tell me the pumps arent working. I find it curious and continue onward. Upon my arrival at the third gas station I begin pumping gas and shortly during the process a young man walks by, tattered jeans, shirt off hanging over his shoulder, right hand in a brace, shoes falling apart, and he begins to laugh. He tells me I remind him of his old Drill Sergent. I laugh and feeling the acceptance, he approaches. We exchange names and he speaks to me about his past, some personal struggles and having a purpose in this world. He performs a couple of his spoken word pieces, and talks about this experience being something he must go through (he is currently homeless, struggling on the street), and that he knows when he gets through it he can be a voice for those going through the same to tell them they can make it through. I tell him it pleases me to hear him say that, and I continue a bit about what I do, and how we create our own reality and that we all are in this together and that we exist therefore we matter, and Source Consciousness and about our souls connecting and seeing his light through his weary face. We both acknowledge the synchronicity and purpose of this moment as he tells me he wasnt initially even walking this direction and I tell him my journey of arriving here in this moment as well. I embrace him with a hug and let him know I see him and that he is loved and never alone and he must keep moving forward to thrive, and this moment in his story is merely a step. He mentions hes hungry and wanted to grab a sandwich and asked if I had some cash, I decide to drive him over to this sandwich spot and grab him a sandwich and a water. He asks for a Natural Light instead, I told him, no, you wont drown out this moment, be present with it and feel it and I will get him a water to hydrate. He daps me up on that and waits for me outside. I give him his food and I drop him off at another spot but before we part ways I give him two crystals from my pocket, Tigers Eye and Turquoise. I explain a little bit about them and crystals in general. Then we extend love toward one another and he walks off. As I drive home I think about that sequence of events connecting with two completely different worlds within the span of two hours. Though the physical appearance vastly differentiated, the love behind both was equally radiant. We are all in this together, everyone matters no matter where they are in their story. Gratitude to everyone I shared a moment with this night, and Gratitude to Tony, a reminder, to be that unconditional love that we derive from. Thrive on world. Separation, is an illusion. I see you through it all, I feel you all the time. My light is your light, and forever it shines. Blessings. Namaste. Love and Light. #LightBeings #WeAreAllInThisTogether #Unity #Love #Oneness
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 05:41:43 +0000

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