LIGHT STUDIES 501: Understanding the Dual Nature of Life Manifest - TopicsExpress


LIGHT STUDIES 501: Understanding the Dual Nature of Life Manifest Through Opposites “There are two sides of a coin or there is no coin.” Before you lift a foot to walk in the Path of the Light, you MUST understand the duality of life manifest (MAN-I-FEST, meaning “Man,” the soul, MUST meet “I,” the spirit, somewhere in space-time). This Duality MUST wear a garment of Singularity, or there is no peace in man. Man is born of Light from chaos or death. But man never understands his true nature. The moment he learns his surroundings (usually at the age of 2 and a half years old on average) he thought he is free, and yet all his life he is seeking freedom and found none, because he can never be free until he realizes that he is just another one dead being in earth. But then without earth he cannot and does not exist either. The symbolism of a “Serpent” giving “Fruit of Knowledge” is the beginning of mans endless search of knowledge beyond his understanding and reach. You see symbol of snake biting its tail used by great nations and emblems of philosophical societies. It symbolizes the continues cycle of man’s birth and rebirth, until he realizes that he must put boundaries to himself to find unity and harmony within himself to escape the reality of life in earth. Life from Oneness becomes two that must be united back to One to live in unity and harmony with the Creator. The following (chosen) opposites must work equally to balance for life to move forward with unity and harmony. BUT first and foremost, as a soul in a body, you must define your boundaries, your goals, and your desires; just as God put boundaries on everything on earth, and as you can see He also put boundaries of light, of waters, of land, including the magnetic fields that protect the earth form harmful elements that constantly attack or penetrate the earth: CONSCIOUS must acknowledge the presence of the UNCONSCIOUS DARKNESS must unite with LIGHT OBJECTIVE must seek direction with SUBJECTIVE And LEFT BRAIN must interact with RIGHT BRAIN (this requires clear understanding of how brain reads the mind) It will be a long list of opposites, if I have to enumerate everything here; in fact, most of the living things you know are in opposites. But I just want to take one more pair opposites, and that is a pair of MAN and WOMAN that is the purpose and the highest creation of GOD. MAN must understand WOMAN and vise versa, or the secret of physical benefits of the body and its longevity will not be realized. God did not just create every living creature by a pair for nothing. There is a reason for everything. In fact, no matter how good you are at attracting things to create, it will not materialized if you don’t have the right ingredients to make it, and most importantly you have to have a “PURPOSE.” And on top of these physical benefits, it was also true that man could live for 700 – 900 years old, as described in the Holy Scripture; and this was also backed by the last great civilization called “Atlantis” who was intentionally sunk by GOD due to misused of their learned natural power. And likewise, some medical authorities already acknowledged that people who will live for 150 years are already born today, because of the medicines they believe they already have that will help the children of today prolong their life. But this will not happen if the vibrations of the earth will not match with her children. And trust me, not only that eventually the “Robots” these so called geniuses without mind are developing will not function; it defeats the “purpose” of life on earth. In fact, this phenomenon is already here—do you notice that families, friends, people in a relationship, etc. are not even talking to each other in person anymore, even if they are sitting next to each other or by the same table? If we cannot interact personally anymore in earth, “What then is God’s reason to exist in earth?” If God called you/us as his children, and that is basically we are gods! We, as souls/darkness, came to this earth to see what we look like in physical forms. Initially, we are vibrating dark energies stuck in the Abyss of total darkness, and that through continual existence in space-time, we develop our personalities. We are here to become legal residents of Light. We have been accepted in earth but we have not been naturalized fully as adoption by Light. [To give a short story referencing an old imaging technology called Kirlian Photograpy, named after a Russian couple, Semyon and Valentina Kirlian, that was then first linked back to a process in 1889 called “Electrography.”] In 1970, this Kirlian photography was first used in the Eastern Bloc to capture electrical coronal discharge from anything you can think of in this planet, provided that it would fit on to the imaging plate, including man. This technology was then suppressed for a long time until it got revisited and improved, and now being used to capture the aura of your body. Having said all that, if you take an aura image of an infant, you would get a clear and pure white aura, but as the infant grows to become a young man, this pure light started to get tainted; this light emitting from the body would start mixing with colors and darker images. This is a simple proof and tangible presentation of the kind of energy you are developing for yourself. You corrupt or taint yourself as you learn your environment; and to connect to my analogy: God gave you a “pass to exist in earth.” This pass, like a VISA, is your key to full acceptance as fully qualified children of Light, but you are losing it, because of your way of life and living; and most importantly, the way you perceive things. God invested you in earth as seed of Light. God loaned you your life. You are here to multiply God’s investment in you. If you can keep that light in you, you will become one with Him, or He will take back everything he can get or squeeze from you and send you back to darkness where you belong forever, until the present cycle of time is about to end, for you will be released again. When the body, or dark souls, can no longer continue to inhabit the earth and left but unable to pay up the loan, God must take back his investment, and also take a portion of you before He sends you back to the Abyss or Void or Chaos or Death. Everything I said in this blog is backed by science, and most especially supported by the Holy Scripture—you just have to open your eyes wide to discern and understand all this, especially that we are in the boundaries between the old and the new cycle of time. Though I mentioned that all the knowledge I have shared here is supported by science and with the sacred writings, I did not mean to challenge you, because even God himself does not challenge his children but correct their paths and by any means, which the children do not know about. God does this, without exception, in order to gain your soul to His kingdom, but you would never see it this way, because the dark brothers are so crafty to win your souls back into their kingdom as well. And so understand these opposing energies to win the eyes of the Light.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 05:50:57 +0000

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