LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE It is not possible for the Law to be - TopicsExpress


LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE It is not possible for the Law to be biased. If you are happy, upbeat person with a smile for everyone, expect to find friends and good experiences wherever you go. Youre thoughts bring those experiences into your life. On the other hand, if you are more like a curmudgeon, with a negative attitude, a sour expression, and complaints about everything (including each ache and pain in your body), do not be surprised if people avoid you and disease, disaster, and disappointments seem to lurk around every corner. FOLLOW THE SIX BASIC STEPS OF MANIFESTING An understanding of the fundamentals of the Law of Attraction is the foundation upon which to build your house of dreams. To get started with the work of bringing into your life experience the various circumstances and things that you desire, read and follow the following list of steps. Each is simple and easy to do whenever you have a quiet moment during the day. 1. Clear the clutter, confusion, and negativity from your mind. ( to do this you might want to follow the basic steps I have posted on top page.) 2. Set forth the intention to manifest something. Make a mental declaration of your intent. ( Here you might want to make a vision board) 3. Be expectant. Be ready to receive. Believe you deserve it, and it is already yours! (invoke, feel it with a passion, pray, feel that you already have it coming to you, done deal) 4.Visualize yourself having it. ( daily visual with vision board,and belief) 5. Feel and express gratitude for the blessings you already have, the gifts of the Universe/GOD that higher power makes available to you, and for the power that makes possible each manifestation. (thank you, thank you, thank you! Be super grateful ) 6. Repeat these steps often each day (as much as possible until it becomes a part of you).
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 05:03:19 +0000

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