LIKE LIGHT Chapter 4. Before the Fire Broos emerged from the - TopicsExpress


LIKE LIGHT Chapter 4. Before the Fire Broos emerged from the fireplace brushing ashes from his hair and trousers. He accepted a cup of spiced brandy and sipped from it without saying a word. Astá did not want to be the first to speak, but as often was the case, the dark mans silence was as thick as a heavy woolen blanket. She barred the door thinking that privacy would loosen his tongue, and still he did not speak. They could knock as they wished, and if Meria returned, it would hold her for a considerable time. This, Astá knew from experience. I liked your look when the flatlander boy took me for your mistress, she said. He grunted. You seemed pleased, she said in a bright tone. He knelt and retrieved the sheepskin map. A look of irritation crossed his face as he fingered some of the charcoal marks, many of which were smeared from Merias raging fit. Placing it back on the table, he began carefully smoothing the edges. The charcoal had somehow failed to be knocked to the floor along with the map. He picked up the stub and began to replace the marks one at a time, still saying nothing. Astá poured herself a small cup of brandy, though she didnt want it. She waited. Another mark in place. Then, a second. A third. He looked over his shoulder at her. You are an infernal fool, he said, voice poisonous and low. I should kill you for saying youd go to the Salamander. For Nedd Bern? He slammed his fist on the table, rattling his cup and spilling brandy. If the Hemlanders come, they will kill that blind man before he can raise his hammer or squeak out a protest. By the Mother, she realized. He was furious. You cant change me, she said softly. You cant make me do what you want. His narrow dark eyes glittered. His hard mouth twisted in a snarl and the lines in his pocked cheeks slashed downward to the corners of his mouth. Seldom had she seen him look so dangerous. And the Counselor was the most dangerous man in Kestrel Point, by far. I said, you cannot change me, she repeated in a firmer tone. I dont want, he said, in a tone she had never heard from him before, with a look so black and desolate it took her breath away. From back in his throat came a low, deep murmur, and then he spoke. His voice was soft. To lose you. Astá felt as though she was standing atop the Antler at the moment, looking down deep into the pass, and with one step, she could fall, fall forever and ever into the mist ten thousand feet below. It wont happen, she said. It will just be a – Then he was on her, his thick hands like a vice on both shoulders. His rough face was inches from hers. She smelled the brandy. He could hold his liquor and had sipped hardly any. It wasnt that, she knew. It could only be – Listen to me, he said. You will kill yourself if you continue. All of us will be lucky to get out of this alive and I cannot have you wasting yourself – for – for nothing! Its not nothing, she whispered. I gave my word. She forced herself to meet his eyes, willed herself to look evenly at him, as if nothing was wrong. Nothing had happened. He hadnt said – So what is it, besides your soft, foolish heart? he said. She felt him calming, felt his hands release their grip. You heard the boy, she said. It was a Hemlander arrow, an almost impossible shot. Broos nodded. I heard. She was to use the blackflower, Astá said. In his wine or some other drink. Not an arrow in broad daylight. So who did kill Kamron Ancaster? The Sparrow is far worse than the Redbird, he said. Sparrow, the childish nickname for Keile, and Redbird for Meria, the two fast friends. Dearest friends, ever since they could walk and talk. Keile? Where would she get a – Looking in Brooss eyes, Astá saw the answer. From your Hel-damned hand. And you told her to do it. She needed no help with her aim, she is our best. What did you promise her? He smiled, and in his hard face, it was a terrible thing. Youve made my child into a monster, she said. Though Keile was not really her daughter, she thought of her as such. If they realize, they will kill her and – Come straight here with ten dozen companies of good flatlander men. The Pass cannot hold. He released her shoulders and stepped back, the Counselor again, cold calculation of the odds of that flickering in his eyes. How came you to tell her to do this, Broos? Astá asked, a cold hardness coming into her voice. With poison, war with the Hemlanders could not be certain, he said. Ewan Ancaster is a careful man. He would not declare open war unless he had no choice. That, he is, she said. Her hands were shaking. How close she had been to allow him to touch her. Thank the Great Mother that she had been reminded of exactly what served her and in what manner. The cold thought of what he had done, and she had seen all the truth of it in his eyes, rang through her every fiber like a hammer striking a hot steel ingot on the anvil. For what its worth, he said, It would have grieved me had she come to harm. She may yet, snapped Astá. And if she does, pray to your Southern gods because you will have no mercy from me and mine. He bowed his head. So be it, he said. You will wait at the Tower tonight, she said. He shook his head. Then, she heard a word from him she seldom heard. Please, he said. You can tell Nedd Bern his daughter is fine. Ill send a company – for them. For her alone if it comes to that. They will not leave without her safe. She turned away. We can afford no such men, she said coldly. I gave my word. The thing is done. As you wish, he said. Madam. I want you to send the arms to Seven Oaks as well, she said. You will see to it they leave with the boy and the sword. She knew that he would want to keep everything in the armory as there would be no wedding. And that could not happen. She heard him unbar the door. Step across the threshold. He shut the door behind him. It is as I wish, she said. Tonight, she would scry for Keile. And she would use the Salamander. And it would use – her. As ever it did. It would take her like light. Like fire. Like life. #
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 22:29:43 +0000

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