LILIES OF THE FIELD Consider the lilies of the field.... - TopicsExpress


LILIES OF THE FIELD Consider the lilies of the field.... Matthew 6:28. Not artificial man-made lilies or protected lilies of the hothouse, but lilies of the open field exposed to wind and rain. They may not look as good, sometimes frayed and torn by tempest, too much sun or too much rain, bedraggled maybe, but real lilies. Some Christians who have wrestled long with the powers of darkness and suffered the pressures of this age may not be as elegant as manufactured varieties or sheltered souls who have not been in the thick of the fight. Paul was perhaps not an impressive sight physically. Some of the things he wrote indicate such limitations. Compared to some of the scribes in all their fancy garb, he looked like the itinerant battle-scarred veteran—this Gospel vagabond on the earth—that he was. The list he gives us of what he had been through (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) would make that abundantly clear. We need more lilies of the field out in the wind and weather. All the Days.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:11:41 +0000

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