LIMAVADY TOWN AND DISTRICT DART LEAGUE Into week 3 of the League - TopicsExpress


LIMAVADY TOWN AND DISTRICT DART LEAGUE Into week 3 of the League and already a couple of teams are forging ahead and will be extremely difficult to catch come the end of the season. Football Club 2v4 Pot Bar Wednesday night saw The Drumsurn outfit, who were still reeling from last weeks humiliating defeat at the hands of Douglas A, head into town to face the Football Club who in contrast had an excellent 5-1 win over Douglas B. after a brief meeting of the Nottingham Forest F C supporters club proceedings got under way with Ivan Toner taking on the away team Sean Mullan. It was a case of ‘The Master and Scholar’ in this encounter as the very experienced Ivan proved too strong for Sean and the dad to could find no answer to Ivan’s fine power on the treble 19’s 2-0 was the inevitable outcome and first blood to the home side Benny could be seen head in hands as another defeat looked imminent. The Pot sent Arty into Battle next and he took on the home captain Chris Davis. Free from his leg cast there was a certain bounce in Chris Davies’ step and he looked confident going into this game but he knew he had his hands full with the in-form Mullan. This one was tighter than a mouse’s waistcoat all the way through and was no surprise that it took a deciding leg to separate these two. Scullion grinned like a Cheshire Cat as Arty leveled the match up with some cool finishing ‘Let me at him, Horsey’! was the cry that could be heard right through the bar as ‘The Loaf’ made his way to the Oche to take on Nottingham Forests number one supporter, Chris McLaughlin. Joe Mullan has been in tremendous form this year, living up to his big money signing from Sarah Brown s and won this game 2-0 with Chris not finding the darts we all know he is capable of. Hugh McGill and Gerard Mullan must be sick of the sight of each other as they were drew out again in this next game. These pair have played each other quite a few times recently and Gerard was hoping to make amends for last year’s cup defeat at the hands of the treble 19 expert. The game itself was played at a very low tempo as both men didn’t get into the swing of things and as high scores were followed up with low ones the game trundled to a decider and it was ‘Banty’ who found the all important double to give his side a creditable 3-1 lead. It was up to Tony Karczewski to try and pull something back for the football club and he took on Benny’s right hand woman Jennifer Donaghy. After the customary smoke break the game eventually got under way. Tony played this game like her drives his bus, cool, calm and very direct and soon swept aside the efforts of ‘Our Doll’ for a convincing 2-0 win. The match was now well and truly back in the melting Pot as the home team sensed a draw was on the cards and it was up to Mark Corscadden and Benny Scullion to battle it out. An excellent game of darts was produced by both men and Mark nipped in to take the first leg after Benny had chances at his favorite double 16. A series of high scores in the second leg meant The Pot player had put some daylight between him and his opponent and afforded him time to level up the game. Benny continued with the high scores in the decider only to see Mark hit back with some fine shots of his own but it was Benny’s hunger for that first win of the season that drove him on to victory and see The Pot avenge last years cup defeat at this very venue. High scores: - Chris McLaughlin 100. Hugh McGill 123. Tony Karczewski 171. Mark Corscadden 100. Sean Mullan 2x100. Seamus Mullan 2x100. Joe Mullan 123. Gerard Mullan 2x101. Jennifer Donaghy 100. Benny Scullion 3x100, 2x140, 21 darts. Thatch B 3v3 Douglas B High scores: - Pasty Mullan 100, 120. Lee Mullan 140. Paul Kane 2x100. Keith Oliver 2x100, Uel Moore 2x100, 126. Ryan Marshall 2x100. Richard Douglas 140. Seamus McAteer 4x100, 19 darts. Albert McDonald 180, 137, 125, 120, 17 darts. Douglas A 1v5 Thatch Rovers The high scores on this score sheet was undecipherable the only thing I can work out is that, there was 48 ton+ scores and 16 & 14 dart legs by Conrad Watson. Banters C 5v1 Banters B Darren McLaughlin and Mickey Carlin gave the treble 20 a sore touch in the first game of the night. It turned out to be a battle of the doubles which Mickey Carlin won 2-0. Kenny Steele got off to a flyer in the first leg against Ben Taylor, Kenny took out a great 118 finish, but in the second leg with consecutive scores of 3 then 7 by Kenny gave Ben the opportunity to gain an advantage which he took and won the second leg. Third leg was a close call for both men but it was Kenny who found the winning double for a 2-1 victory. Brian O’Hara and Charlene Kane were up next. Charlene was too strong for Brian, with a very impressive second leg she lost out on a 13 darter by missing double 4 but still won the game 2-0. Steady darts from Peter Burke and Stephen Douglas in the first leg. Stephen was unlucky just missing the second double top for a show boat finish of 80 (tops, tops) but it was Peter’s finishing that got him the 2-0 win. Chrissy Smith was very unlucky not to take the first leg against Mervyn Mullan. He just could not finish 39 as he busted it 3 times and Mervyn finished him by stealing the leg. Chrissy got his own back in the second leg as Mervyn out scored him and could not find the double. Chrissy sneaked up on him and stole this leg. Third leg was great to watch, Chrissy threw brilliant and Mervyn stayed in touch with him the whole way, but Chrissy found the winning double for the 2-1 victory. An excellent darts from Alan Kane and Martin O’Hara. Another bit of robbery in this game as Martin stole the first leg against the darts. Second leg was just as good as the first but Alan got the double in this one. In the third leg Alan Stormed ahead and took out a 115 finish for a 22 dart leg to win the game 2-1. High Scores:- Darren McLaughlin 120,140. Ben Taylor 121, 100. Brian O’Hara 133. Stephen Douglas 100. Chrissy Smith 125, 100, 140. Martin O’Hara 133, 117. Mickey Carlin 3x100, 140. Kenny Steele 3x100, 118 finish. Charlene Kane 3x140. Peter Burke 2x100, 140. Mervyn Mullan 2x100. Alan Kane 2x100, 140, 115 finish. Banters A 2v4 AA After the football was over the disco and darts started down stairs in Banters. With the Duke box blasting out some great songs at ear deafening volume, Matty McDonald took on Rab ‘over excited’ Tinney. A good scoring game from both men here Matty taking the first with a clean finish. Rab stepped his game up in the second and finished it well. The third leg was a bit of a nervous affair from both men but Matty found the winning double. Next up Colin ‘Cool Kid’ Kitchener and Sam Murray. Sam had chances in this game but his lack of experience showed and Colin proved to be the better player. The in-form Ben Millar stepped up against the even greater in-form Adrian Pearson. Adrian must be on some sort of mission this year as he had his serious head on as soon as he stepped to the Oche. In the first leg Adrian kicked off with back to back 140’s, 100, 73 to leave 48 after 12 darts. Unfortunately he hit treble 16 with his first dart in the next throw and bust it, next throw stepped up and finished 48 with 2 darts for a 17 dart leg. Second leg was TV stuff again from the AA man, first throw treble 20, treble 20, 20. second throw treble 20, treble 20, and third dart flew into tops. Third throw 20, treble 20, 20, which left 101 after 9 darts, but a bad score of 35 in his next throw left him 66 and he missed treble 18 for a 14 darter, he ended up taking this leg out in 19. Two very impressive players stepped up next in the form of Steven Lockett and Martin Barr. Martin hammered in a heap of big scores from the start and a sharp finish gave him a 17 darter for the first leg. Steven upped his game in the second and took out a clean finish to keep his hopes alive. Third game saw these two men run out of steam a little bit but Martin had just enough left in the reserve tank to find the winning double for a 2-1 victory. Jim ‘I Don’t Care’ Morrow had no answer to the solid darts Dwane Mullan threw. With a 19 darter in the first leg and a solid second leg Dwane soon won 2-0. The final game of the night saw Archie Archibald and Eugene Anderson face each other. This was a one sided affair as well, as Eugene had tried to stay pint for pint with Adrian Pearson all evening. As anyone that knows Adrian ‘Bucket Mouth’ Pearson this is not easy to do. Archie did not take long to beat the slightly intoxicated Eugene 2-0. I have to say the craic was ninety in Banters that night, the only upsetting thing all night long was Liverpool loosing to Man U. Definitely the best venue in the League for a good laugh and entertaining night. High scores:- Rab Tinney 100, 140. Colin Kitchener 2x100. Ben Taylor 2x100. Steven Lockett 135, 138. Jim Morrow 100. Matty McDonald 125, 100, 140. Adrian Pearson 2x100, 3x140, 160, 17 & 19 darts. Martin Barr 3x100, 125, 17 darts. Dwane Mullan 100, 2x140, 19 darts. League table after 3 matches Banters C 15 Thatch Rovers 14 Douglas A 10 Football Club 9 Pot Bar 8 Thatch B 8 Banters A 7 Banters B 7 AA 6 Douglas B 6 Highest finish of the season:- Kenny Steele 118 Lowest dart leg of the season:- Conrad Watson 14 darts 180 Club Albert McDonald hit the only 180 of the week and received ₤70 Matches for Wednesday 2nd October 2013 Thatch Rover v Football Club The AA v Douglas A Banters A v Banters C Douglas B v Banter B Pot Bar v Thatch B Monthly meeting on Wednesday 2nd October in the Thatch Bar at 8pm, all teams must be represented, fines will occur for non attendance. Christmas tickets will be given out at the meeting and next months 4 weeks bonus ball money must be paid at meeting and any teams that owe bonus ball money from the first month must pay this as well or they could be expelled from the League. This rule was passed at the AGM that the bonus ball money is part of the League fees and all teams have to pay it.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 14:42:29 +0000

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