LINCOLN COUNTY FAIR BOARD MINUTES FOR JUNE 11 2013 Chairman Keo Kelley called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. Members present were Steve Shaw, Denise Helsley, Robin Dansie, Chris Taber, Valerie Varadi and Robert Newey. Also present were Paula Huyser, Aime Taber, Phil Vaught, James Knightin, Dan Larsen, Marilyn Neal, Gina Shotswell, Chester Southwick, Ann Parker and Rusty Parker Secretary. Robert Newey was welcomed as the new member from Richfield and introduced to the other Board members. No Changes were made to the agenda except in order presented. Robin moved to approve the minutes. Denise seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion passes. Denise moved and Robin seconded to approve the claims as presented. Vote unanimous. Motion carries. Denise moved to accept the May financial report. Robin seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion carries. Paula gave the Leader’s Council report. She was not at the last meeting but received an update from Nicole Reed. All awards and ribbons have been ordered. Awards and ribbons on hand were accounted for and only ordered what was actually needed. The 4-H clubs will work the food booth on Saturday the 20th and Friday the 26th. The Ag in the Classroom trailer will be here for the fair. She will get a vendor application as it will be needed to determine where to set it up. There will be no chicken races this year. She asked about stall awards. Keo said the Fair Board will pay $25.00 to the extension office for the cleanest stall and they will judge and distribute the money to the winner. The Little Wood River Post 3077 of the VFW were present to give a little history and present their application for a food booth at the fair. They have collaborated with Catering by Marilyn and will have a trailer with a full commercial kitchen. They will vary their menu to not conflict with any other vendors as much as possible. Cajun food is a possibility. Typically they do smoked meats and pulled pork. Robin moved to approve VFW Post 3077 as a vendor. Steve seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion carries. Denise said the Market Animal Committee will meet on Thursday. Steve said he would like to resign from the committee due to other commitments with family and rodeo. He asked if anyone would like to volunteer. After a brief silence Robin said she would volunteer. Keo presented the budget for discussion. After a brief discussion on the difficulty of doing a budget so far in advance a decision was reached. Chris moved to approve the budget as presented. Denise seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion carries. Chester Southwick gave an update on the progress of the Ranch Rodeo. He said it will be pretty much the same as last year with just some minor changes. Contestants will meet at 6:00 for rules. Ticket takers should be in place by 6:00 also. The Grand Entry will be at 7:00. He is working on getting donations and needs to order buckles. He will need the same as last year. Steve mentioned that Kristin Ward gets the buckles for the Jr. Rodeo. Chester said the announcer and judges may be different this year. As far as contestants go, he will give preference to local teams first and then fill up with teams in other areas. Chris mentioned that he had heard some complaints on the handling of the animals and asked that Chester make the cowboys aware that they are being watched by people that are not necessarily friends of rodeo. Chester said he will contact Doralee and Lundy about selling some ads. Aime Taber led a discussion on the upcoming queen contest. She is sending out packets to interested girls but still need to work out a date for the contest that will work into the schedule for the building. Ann said to check with Nicole or Christi as they have it the week prior to the fair and fair week. Aime has sashes for the Contestants. They will be at Arts in the Park and she would like to have some workshops prior to the contest. She asked if the Board had any ideas for the theme of their speeches. They will all be in the parade. She would like to know about placement of the picture booth soon. She would like to crown the queen during the Friday night rodeo. It should only take 15 or 20 minutes at most. They will do their best to keep it short in the arena. All other events will not be during the rodeos. She is expecting at least five senior girls and five or six junior girls. For her budget she has a breast collar for the Queen and also for the Princess for about $30 each, banners for $30 each, buckles for $125 to $150 each, and the crown will be made by Montana Silversmiths and cost $80 to $150. The crowns will be handed down each year. She expects them to last at least three years. The high point saddle will cost $550. They currently have $280 in donations and The Snack Bar will sponsor the queen buckle. The queen contest committee is Dalonna Hurd, Dana Blumhardt, and Aime Taber. Robert will be in charge of the parade but he would like some help learning what needs to be done. Keo opened the only bid for janitorial services during the fair. The one bid is from Jon Pugh and Payson Reese for $2200. During a short discussion it was noted that no ponies will be allowed on the grass around the food booths. Chris moved to accept the bid of $2200.00. Valerie seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion carries. Valerie said the fair book is almost complete and she will try to get it e-mailed to the members next week. Steve said Doralee is working on the ad sales and will try to get a report to us at next meeting or send the information to the secretary. Steve said that some things did not go as expected. It seems like we have a lot of outgo but very little income from the High School Rodeo. He suggested we discuss it again in the spring before the next season starts. On the concrete Rusty said that Emory told him he would just thicken the edge to keep it from breaking when it is driven on. He also said that due to an error reading the plans he underbid it by about $1400.00. After some discussion it was decided to split the difference with him if he can wait until after fair to get paid. Keo led a discussion on a new ticket taker booth for the North gate. She would like to see it moved possibly closer to the beer garden area. Ann suggested asking some of the companies that make the little buildings to loan us one during the fair. Keo would like to have the beer garden bolted down permanently. Steve said the barrel race will start at 5:30 on Tuesday with time only. The competition will start at 7:00. Denise asked how the merchant building applications are coming along. She said she has sent out a couple. She also said the band would need two twenty amp circuits for their equipment. Need a couple more outlets next to the beer trailer outlet. Keo said she has talked to people for security at the dance. The Chief of Police will do drive by and there will be officers patrolling the grounds since we will have a carnival. Keo asked the secretary to check with CAPI to find out what he will charge for this year. Ann said some fill is needed along the new sidewalk in places as there are some dangerous areas that may be a liability if not filled. Also could use some more fill in places around the show ring. Robin said she will get the posters done now that we have a set schedule. Chris said the Tractor Pull will be at 2:00 on Sunday. Next meeting is June 25th at 7:00, Meeting adjourned.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 21:32:18 +0000

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