LINDSEY GRAHAM AND THE REPUBLICAN LEAD CONGRESS described congressional efforts as signaling to the Iranians that we would like a political negotiation, a diplomatic solution. But please understand in Iran that the Congress is intent on reapplying sanctions if you walk away from the negotiating table and if you cheat, Graham said. I dont think thats a disruptive message. WASHINGTON -- A leading Republican critic of President Barack Obamas foreign policy is pushing for new sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program, unswayed by a White House veto threat and lobbying by Britains leader. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina did say Sunday that he would be willing to set aside his efforts if Obama would submit any agreement with Tehran to Congress for lawmakers to approve or reject. An Obama adviser scoffed at the idea as an infringement on presidential authorit The new Republican-led Congress has picked an early foreign policy fight with the president, with the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee holding a hearing Tuesday on possible new penalties against Tehran. The U.S. and its partners in the negotiations are trying to reach a framework agreement with Iran by March and hoping to complete a longer-term deal by July that would limit Irans ability to produce a nuclear weapon. Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. Graham described congressional efforts as signalling to the Iranians that we would like a political negotiation, a diplomatic solution. But please understand in Iran that the Congress is intent on reapplying sanctions if you walk away from the negotiating table and if you cheat, Graham said. I dont think thats a disruptive message. As an alternative, he said that if Obama thinks sanctions is disruptive to a good outcome, Im willing to forgo that vote with the understanding that any deal he negotiates will come to the Congress for our approval or disapproval as a check and balance. White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer contended that Graham would like to make all the foreign policy decisions of the United States and be commander in chief. ... Its the presidents authority. Obama said at a news conference Friday that imposing new sanctions probably would doom the nuclear negotiations and heighten prospects of a military showdown. Just hold your fire, the president pleaded to Congress, while also issuing the veto threat. British Prime Minister David Cameron, who was visiting Washington last week, said he was calling senators to convey the message that new penalties would hurt international unity.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:53:02 +0000

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