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LIST OF ALL EVENTS Current Events Nordita School on Integrability School 4—16 August 2014 Integrable systems play an important role in physics, as they give us a clue on strongly coupled phenomena in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics, the description of which by other means is impossible or very difficult. The school will cover applications of holographic duality and integrability to condensed matter systems, conformal field theory, modern methods to compute scattering amplitudes, and various aspects of integrability in AdS/CFT correspondence, such as the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz, applications to scattering amplitudes and Wilson loops. Quantum Engineering of States and Devices Program 11 August — 5 September 2014 Timetable Experimental research on engineered quantum states and devices is progressing rapidly, providing special opportunities and challenges for the theorist. While the basic motivation draws from the wish to understand the intriguing coherence and correlation effects often featured, the prospects to use them for processing and storing quantum information has given the field an additional boost. The program aims at offering an interdisciplinary forum to further interactions among theorists working in different subfields of quantum engineered systems. Show: All events Programs Workshops, Conferences, Meetings Schools Info: Full Medium Brief Period: All Current & Future Future Events 2014 Supersymmetric Field Theories Workshop 13—16 August 2014 Coordinators: Charlotte Kristjansen, Matthias Staudacher, Konstantin Zarembo Supersymmetry is one of the most beautiful symmetry principles in physics. Apart from possible phenomenological applications, supersymmetry has led to tremendous progress in understanding non-perturbative phenomena in quantum field theory. The aim of the workshop is to highlight recent advances in supersymmetric field theories, in particular through their relationship to other subjects such as integrable systems, string theory, gauge-string duality and AdS/CFT correspondence, QCD and conformal field theory. Holographic Methods and Applications Workshop 18—22 August 2014 Venue: University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland Timetable The 2014 annual workshop of the ESF network HoloGrav will be held in Reykjavík, Iceland. The meeting will provide an overview and assessment of recent progress in applying holographic methods to various strongly coupled quantum systems. Focus topics include: quantum entanglement, out of equilibrium dynamics in condensed matter and in heavy ion collisions, explicit and spontaneous symmetry breaking in holographic models, holography for higher spin theories, and integrability in supersymmetric gauge theories. Conference on Quantum Engineering of States and Devices Conference 18—23 August 2014 Coordinators: Sougato Bose, Reinhold Egger, Henrik Johannesson, Pasquale Sodano Timetable This conference, which is part of the Nordita program Quantum Engineering of States and Devices, aims at furthering interactions among researchers working in different subfields of quantum engineered systems. Workshop for Science Writers: Quantum Theory Workshop 27—29 August 2014 Coordinators: Sabine Hossenfelder, George Musser Timetable Quantum physics is a notoriously challenging subject even for the experts. The goal of this workshop is to give science writers the opportunity to take a step back and gain a broader perspective on this field. At the same time, we want to give researchers in the field the possibility to interact with science writers and share experiences about the pitfalls of science communication. Some of the topics covered: Quantum computing, quantum optics and novel tests of the foundations of quantum mechanics, topologial insulators, tests of emergent quantum mechanics, analog gravity, the gauge-gravity duality and its applications in condensed-matter physics, and searching for new physics in atomic, molecular and optical physics. Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity Workshop 1—5 September 2014 Venue: SISSA, Trieste, Italy Coordinators: Mautizio Gasperini, Sabine Hossenfelder The aim of this workshop is to put together experimentalist, theoreticians and phenomenologists that are interested in possible tests of the quantum/discrete structure of spacetime at very short distances. There will be a number of rather focussed talks that will discuss possible phenomenological tests of quantum gravity scenarios and propose new ideas in this direction. This is the fourth workshop of the series. Computational Challenges in Nuclear and Many-­Body Physics Program 15 September — 10 October 2014 Coordinators: Alexander Balatsky, Roberto Liotta, Chong Qi, Jorge Dukelsky Timetable Advanced theoretical methods play a central role in answering the key questions of many-body physics. We intend to discuss and compare such methods as are being applied at present in nuclear physics, condensed matter, cold atoms and quantum chemistry. The computation techniques required to achieve an understanding of existing experimental data and in predicting with high reliability new properties and processes seem at present to be dispersed in the various fields. Dark Energy Interactions Workshop 1—3 October 2014 Coordinators: Tomi Koivisto, David Fonseca Mota The main theme of the workshop is dark energy, and even more specifically the possible interactions of dark energy. The emphasis is theoretical but observational prospects shall be discussed with great interest. Some specific topics to be covered are: screening mechanisms (Vainshtein, chameleon, disformal, symmetron), structure formation (linear and nonlinear, N-body simulations, Euclid forecasts), and couplings to visible sector (variations of constants, astrophysical and cosmological constraints). Water – the Most Anomalous Liquid Program 13 October — 7 November 2014 Coordinators: Lars G. M. Pettersson, Anders Nilsson, Richard Henchman Water is ubiquitous and a prerequisite to life as we know it, yet the fundamental origin in terms of structure and dynamics of its many anomalous properties is still under debate. No simulation model is currently able to reproduce these properties throughout the phase diagram. Experimental techniques, such as x-ray spectroscopies and x-ray and neutron scattering, femtosecond pump-probe and free-electron laser experiments in no man’s land, provide data that stimulate new theory developments. This program brings together experimentalists and theoreticians in strong synergy to advance towards a unified picture of water. 2015 Extended Theories of Gravity Program 2—20 March 2015 Coordinators: Kari Enqvist, Tomi Koivisto, David Fonseca Mota, Fawad Hassan The cosmological constant and the physics behind dark energy that accelerates the expansion of the universe remain among the biggest mysteries in theoretical physics. An intriguing possibility is that these problems stem from extrapolating Einsteins General relativity from the Solar system to the far infrared cosmological scales. In the other extreme, at the ultraviolet regime Einsteins theory encounters notorious in nities resulting in spacetime singularities and obstacles to quantisation, which suggest new gravitational physics with possible repercussions to early universe physics. The program aims at establishing new links between fundamental physics and cosmological and astrophysical experiments from the fruitful interface of extended theories of gravity. Sunspot formation: theory, simulations and observations Workshop 9—13 March 2015 Coordinators: Illa R. Losada, Göran Scharmer, Nishant Singh, Axel Brandenburg Scientific recording of sunspots started with Galileo in 1609. Since Hale (1908) we know that sunspots are strong concentrations of magnetic field of up to 4000 gauss. They could be formed by subsurface magnetic flux tubes piercing the surface. Meanwhile, numerical simulations by many different groups suggest that strong magnetic fields could be generated in the bulk of the convection zone. This would mean that sufficiently strong magnetic fields may be generated not far from the surface. However, at the surface the magnetic field appears to be strongly concentrated into only a few isolated spots - in stark contrast to the more diffuse magnetic field beneath the surface. This is still a mystery. Probing the Fundamental Nature of Spacetime with the Renormalization Group Workshop 23—27 March 2015 Coordinators: Astrid Eichhorn, Dario Benedetti, Frank Saueressig Renormalization group methods are a key element of theoretical particle physics and may also be central for constructing a fundamental theory of gravity, e.g., based on Weinberg’s asymptotic safety conjecture. The aim of this program is to bring together theorists and phenomenologists in order to discuss ideas related to the application of the renormalization group in quantum gravity and the consequences of asymptotic safety for cosmology, black holes and a possible ultraviolet completion of the standard model of particle physics including gravity. Control of Ultrafast Quantum Phenomena Program 18 May — 12 June 2015 Coordinators: Esa Räsänen, Eva Lindroth, Jan Petter Hansen The aim is to study quantum control and dynamics of few-particle systems in an active collaborative effort between experimentalists and theorists, as well as between recognized senior researchers and young investigators. The activity is motivated by recent advances in the physics of ultrafast phenomena in the femto- and attosecond time scale - a regime within reach of novel light sources. New insights into fundamental many-body physics are expected when ultrafast atomic and solid-state processes can be monitored in real time. Origin, Evolution, and Signatures of Cosmological Magnetic Fields Program 15 June — 10 July 2015 Coordinators: Tina Kahniashvili, Tanmay Vachaspati, Axel Brandenburg, Arthur Kosowsky Magnetic Reconnection in Plasmas Program 27 July — 21 August 2015 Coordinators: Andris Vaivads, Stefano Markidis, Yuri Khotyaintsev, Åke Nordlund Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental multi­scale plasma process responsible for plasma transport, plasma heating and acceleration of energetic particles in many astrophysical environments, ranging from planetary magnetospheres and solar wind to solar flares, accretion disk corona, and other astrophysical plasmas. The major goal of this program is to increase the knowledge about the magnetic reconnection process in astrophysical plasma environments based on synergies between the studies of magnetic reconnection remotely, in situ, in numerical simulations and in laboratories. Physics of Interfaces and Layered Structures Program 24 August — 11 September 2015 Coordinators: Alexander Balatsky, David Abergel, Philip Hofmann, Yoshihiro Iwasa A major direction of research in contemporary condensed matter physics is the effort to design materials with specific functionality by utilizing the unique properties of interfaces between materials of different types. The prospect of using two-dimensional interfaces between two-dimensional layers at the nanoscale provides many potential avenues for tailoring materials. The program brings together world leaders in the fields of superconductivity and Dirac materials and young researchers from the Nordic region who can learn from them. Stochastic Thermodynamics in Biology Program 21 September — 16 October 2015 Coordinators: Ralf Eichhorn, Erik Aurell Stochastic Thermodynamics represents an exciting new research direction in statistical physics, which explores fundamental aspects of non-equilibrium processes. The common idea is to adapt and generalize concepts from equilibrium thermodynamics to the non-equilibrium realm, typically on the level of single particle trajectories monitored over the entire system evolution. The program intends to gather the world-leading experts to explore the possibilities of applying the tools of Stochastic Thermodynamics to open questions in biological systems, mainly on the cellular and molecular level. 2016 Holography and Dualities 2016: New Advances in String and Gauge Theory Program 30 March — 22 April 2016 Coordinators: Bogdan Stefanski, Konstantin Zarembo The program will bring together leading experts on gauge and string theory to discuss the latest advances in holography and dualities. Topics will include: holography, gauge/string dualities, integrability, higher spin theories, bootstrap methods, symmetries in string theory, as well connections between string theory and mathematics. Past Events 2014 Novel Directions in Frustrated and Critical Magnetism Program 14 July — 8 August 2014 Coordinators: Eddy Ardonne, Stephen Powell, Anders Sandvik Timetable In a frustrated system, competition between interactions hinders the tendency towards forming an ordered state, allowing for the emergence of new physical phenomena. This programme will bring together experts in the field of frustrated and critical magnetism as well as younger researchers, to discuss recent developments, explore connections between different areas of research, and generate new ideas. Dirac Materials, Superconductivity and Hybrid Nanostructures Workshop 16—19 June 2014 Coordinators: Alexander Balatsky, David Abergel We are witnessing a tremendous growth of the activities in materials that host Dirac fermions, also known as Dirac Materials. The unique properties of the linear Dirac spectrum point to interesting ways to functionalize these materials for new applications. Complementary to that discussion the workshop will cover the role of nanoscale superconductors and particular interest will be paid to hybrid structures that bring into contact different competing phases. Conference on Dynamics of Particles in Flows Conference 11—13 June 2014 Coordinators: Fredrik Lundell, Dhrubaditya Mitya, Bernhard Mehlig, Federico Toschi Timetable The meeting will take place during the scientific program Dynamics of Particles in Flows at Nordita, 2-27 June. Modelling and inference for dynamics in complex and disordered systems Workshop 11—13 June 2014 Coordinators: Yasser Roudi, Manfred Opper, Peter Sollich Timetable A NETADIS-Nordita meeting in honor of John Hertz 70th birthday. Studying the dynamics of large systems with complex dynamics, e.g. arising from disorder in the form competing interactions, is important for a wide range of problems from spin glasses to machine learning, neuroscience, protein interaction networks, metabolic networks and systemic risk in finance. The workshop brings together experts in statistical physics approaches suited to large networks together with experts in interdisciplinary application areas to address these questions. COST action FP1005 Meeting on Modelling of Fibre Suspension Flows Meeting 3—5 June 2014 Coordinators: Fredrik Lundell, Dhrubaditya Mitra, Bernhard Mehlig, Federico Toschi The meeting will take place during the scientific program Dynamics of Particles in Flows at Nordita, 2-27 June. Dynamics of Particles in Flows: Fundamentals and Applications Program 2—27 June 2014 Coordinators: Fredrik Lundell, Dhrubaditya Mitra, Bernhard Mehlig, Federico Toschi Timetable The question of the dynamics of particles in flows has a wide range of applications. Examples are the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere, fuel injection in a car engine, rain formation in clouds, and planet formation in circumstellar accretion disks. These examples have in common that the fundamental processes (collisions, coalescence, or breakup of particles) are determined by similar microscopic equations. Active Fluids: New Challenges from Experiments to High-Performance Computing Workshop 28—31 May 2014 Venue: Mariehamn, Åland Coordinators: Mikko Alava, Guido Boffetta, Luca Brandt, Massimo Cencini, Dhrubaditya Mitra, Antti Puisto Recent years have been characterized by an increasing interest in and awareness of the role of multi-scale interactions in shaping the ecology of wide aquatic environments as the ocean and small-scale active suspensions as biofilms. Penetrating such a new and intriguing research field demands a multidisciplinary approach accounting for the coupling of physics, chemistry, and biology from the microscale to the macroscale. Latest Results in Dark Matter Searches Workshop 12—14 May 2014 Timetable This 3-day workshop on latest results in Dark Matter searches is coordinated with the concurrent Nordita program What is Dark Matter?. What is the Dark Matter? Program 5—30 May 2014 Coordinators: Jan Conrad, Joakim Edsjö, Lars Bergström, Timur Delahaye Timetable The nature of Dark Matter is one of the most important outstanding problems in modern physics. Many Dark Matter models exhibit high dimensional parameter spaces with many degeneracies and considerable expected backgrounds, and therefore a combination of all experimental data available will likely be necessary to arrive at robust conclusions regarding the nature of dark matter. The aim of the program is to bring together experimentalists, phenomenologists and theorists in order to discuss ideas, methods and models for interpreting the vast amount of data available. News in Neutrino Physics Program 7 April — 2 May 2014 Coordinators: Rikard Enberg, Tommy Ohlsson, Mattias Blennow, Thomas Schwetz Timetable The focus of this program is the theory and phenomenology of neutrino physics and the role of neutrinos in astrophysics and cosmology. Important issues include extended versions of the Standard Model of particle physics including massive neutrinos, using neutrinos for probing astrophysical environments, and confronting theories with measurements. We intend the program to be a workshop in the real sense of the word, with informal discussion meetings and ample opportunities for research and discussion of common projects. The 5th Nordic Workshop on Statistical Physics: Biological, Complex and Non-Equilibrium Systems Workshop 26—28 March 2014 Coordinators: Ralf Eichhorn, Alberto Imparato Timetable This workshop series provides a forum where scientists in the Nordic countries working in the area of Statistical Physics can meet regularly. Topics covered include diffusion problems, physics of DNA and bio-molecules, population dynamics, pattern formation, non-equilibrium transport, bacterial motility, single-molecule kinetics, dynamics and structure of networks, statistical inference, Monte-Carlo simulation techniques, self-assembly, soft condensed matter (colloids, liquid crystals etc.), work relations and fluctuation theorems, and many more.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 15:13:12 +0000

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