LIST OF REFINED CARBS...STAY AWAY FROM List of refined processed - TopicsExpress


LIST OF REFINED CARBS...STAY AWAY FROM List of refined processed carbohydrates This is important information for health or weight loss. Processed carbohydrates are the major cause of weight gain, obesity, specific skin conditions, and many diet related diseases including heart disease, hypertension, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. You should switch from a sugar-burning to a fat-burning metabolism for optimum health, for weight loss, or for treatment of diet related diseases. When digested, all carbohydrates become sugar. If you consume a lot of carbs as well as fats and proteins, your body will burn the carbs and increase your percentage of body fat. To reduce your percentage of body fat, we recommend, on most days, keeping your total daily carbohydrate intake to 25 grams or fewer. You should, though, have one weekly cheat day of one or two meals in which you get plenty of calories as well as carbs and fats. (Pizza is fine!) This will prevent your body from going into starvation mode and decreasing your metabolic rate. Processed or refined carbohydrates are such things as: tacos corn chips wraps pizza croissants pasta (of all kinds) rolls muffins flour (of all kinds) crumpets pastries bagels bread (of all kinds) buns pretzels doughnuts cookies biscuits cakes polished rice wheat all products containing wheat corn cornflour starch all products containing corn candy toffee sweets potato chips batter breadcrumbs pastry pastries desserts jams jelly jello dumplings pasty/pastie pies batter all sugars all products containing sugar granola bars breakfast bars cereals soft drinks sodas foods containing corn syrup sugary drinks cordials store bought cooked meats/cold cuts if they have added sugars and additives) sausages/hot dog frankfurters if they contain carbohydrate fillers, additives, or sugar For either health or weight loss, strictly limit all processed refined carbohydrates (apart from the occasional treat). Refined processed carbohydrates are a major cause of weight gain, obesity, food addiction, overeating, and many diet related diseases. If you are counting carbohydrates, use low carbohydrates vegetables and fruits. For information about foods that speed up metabolism, or for information about how to use low carbohydrate foods, see the following sections of our website. If you are insulin resistant (and many overweight people are insulin resistant without knowing it), it will seriously affect your ability to lose weight if you include foods high in carbohydrates (like the ones listed above) in your weight loss diet In other words, you will be attempting to lose weight but there will be little to see for your efforts. If this seems to be your situation, you should be counting carbs. You need a low carbohydrate diet and you need to eliminate, or strictly limit, your intake of processed (refined) carbohydrates. Here is an excellent weight loss tip. If you use pre-prepared or ready-made foods, start reading food labels. You may be surprised at how difficult it is to eliminate sugar; it is added to many processed or pre-prepared foods. The nutritional void that is sugar has many names such as: brown sugar, beet sugar, cane sugar, granulated sugar, icing sugar, confectioners sugar, corn sugar, invert sugar, corn sweetener, isomalt, malto dextrins, maple sugar, molasses, raw sugar, sorghum, turbinado sugar, and well as maltose, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, galactose, lactose, levulose, sucrose, dextrose, maltodextrin, malt syrup, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, and fructose. This completes the refined processed carbohydrates page. For our list of recommended readings, please see our best self-help books page. Its listed on the menu bar. Many of them discuss the importance of minimizing your consumption of processed carbohydrates. Here are some initial suggestions: Bennett & Sinatras Sugar Shock! Cordains The Paleo Diet Prices Nutrition and Physical Degeneration The Paleo Solution
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 21:42:42 +0000

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