LIST OF SURVEY CONDUCTED ON 12TH JANUARY 2015 IN PURSUANCE OF THE ORDER DATED 07.01.2015 FOR SUBMISSION TO HONOURABLE DELHI HIGH COURT DONE BY SAM: BKS. Total Sites Visit : 57 (57+4=61) Total Sites surveyed : 56 Sites not surveyed : 5 Upto 5 and more homeless found : 44 New Site Left Out in the Report : 04 1. Bangla Sahib Lane(120 people found, Time 3:59 AM 13 Jan 2014) 2. Vikas Minar ITO Near DUSIB Office (18 people found,Time 3:33 AM 13 Jan 2014 ) 3. Shankar Market (68 people found, Time 3:50 AM 13 Jan 2014) 4. Lodi Road (48 people found) Total 1+2+3+4=254 +2520= Total nos. of Homeless found (approx.) : 2774 On all sites homeless found sleeping mostly in open or under the flyover, over bridge, underpass etc. but refused to shift to night shelters primarily due to it being overcrowded and also due to the deteriorating condition of most of the Night Shelters. The shelter No 134 at Sarai Kale Khan is full of rodents, that can be seen frolicking at the mercy of the homeless. Most of the night shelters temporary or permanent are not equipped with basic humane facilities to survive (Cleanliness, First Aid, thus suffering from Sick Building syndrome) as per NULM-SUH Guidelines and Honourable Delhi High Court order dated 2nd April 2014. As citizens we are all concerned with the issues of some Homeless persons not using shelters & need to talk to them, understand the reason WHY they brave the cold, risking life, reasons could be many – lack of trust, being used to a life on the streets (after all few shelters have come up only in the last few years), lack of safety of belongings – (the need for small storage access for all homeless citizens) & inadequate numbers of family shelters etc. One way would be to initiate the process of Rehabilitation through shelters becoming a single point for IDENTITY - registration of Voters cards, UID, ration cards, etc that can help Homeless move away from the streets. Can other schemes of the Government be made available through a point of convergence? Especially Drug de-addiction and rehabilitation? The scheme to give tea in the shelters is a good one – is it possible to consider midday meals for women/ child based shelters. Shelters are temporary solutions and a revolving door through which the “last & least” in society can be reached. Can DUSIB ask Women & child ministry /civil supplies/ drug rehab/Health /IHBAS/VIMHANS/to collaborate? Yes we should ALL make efforts to motivate use of shelters – it is our collective responsibility – DUSIB/NGOS/Citizens – not a few. Can we focus on the issue of Homelessness, causes, rehabilitation that’s urgently required than waste time, ensure timely payments etc.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 07:24:37 +0000

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