LISTEN A STINGY MAN HAS LEGIMATE REASONS NOT TO GIVE! What he doesnt know is that, he is tightening his hold on poverty. Look here when God asks you to give, it because he wants something better for you. Now when you GROW to maturity in Christ you dont wait to be told to give, you just give endlessly to promote the gospel. Why? Your Love has grown for the Lord. Yes! Aint you aware Love can be measured? YOUR DEpTH of LOVE for the master is shown in your giving for the gospel. Let me tell you, the DEVIL will never tell you to GIVE! He knows your prosperity will spread abroad. So grow Up! Surprise him! Knock him out with your giving. Yes you can give the best at your level. You better not give widows mite you sure gonna get a mite! That widow gave her best! After you give, Dont stop talking it. The wealth of this land and beyond belongs to me Gates upon gates are opened to us. If people ask you how far? Its as FAR as my eyes can see! I am loaded! I am stinkingly rich in all curriences. I am spiritual, powerful and influential! After sowing your seed, keep declaring the word. Keep watering your seeds! What happens to us when we make a Big give? When we give big and sacrificially the eyes of oir understanding are opened! We become visionary! We begin to see things. There is a boldness that comes to you, that inner confidence that radiates your being. You are fearless. I am administrator of Gods finances and abundance in the land for the kingdom of God. Theres something about you and your offerings. It makes you Your perception changes Penetratingly discerning You dont stumble in the dark. The spirit of God gives you secret and mysteries. God connects you from the inside out. You find yourself operating in wisdom (Phronesis) You hear to do. Your lips open and men wonder where have you being. Its not just promotion or gives your quality in your job, it improves you. #REMEMBER WE DONT PRAY TO PROSPEr, WE GIVE TO PROSPER#
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 14:39:34 +0000

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