LISTEN TO ME MOTHER! The mother walked in flustered literally - TopicsExpress


LISTEN TO ME MOTHER! The mother walked in flustered literally dragging in her 7 year old boy. This boy is just impossible, she screamed, even before she sat herself, He just refuses to listen to anything I say. I tried to calm her down and asked her what exactly the problem was. He is a very troublesome kid, doctor. I have been getting complaints from school too. He acts like he cannot hear when somebody tells him to do something. You know an arrogant sort of indifference that he shows. Like he just doesnt care and we dont exist. And then he walks away as though nothing was told to him, she said, I have even tried Yoga to discipline him. And he starts the exercises and then suddenly stops and goes away into his own world. I am tired of screaming at him. He just doesnt listen!. I looked at the young fellow. Yes, he did have the naughty eyes of a 7 year old boy, but his eyes spelt the innocence of any child. I gave him the usual chocolates and tried to speak to him. I asked him how his schooling was going. The teachers dont like me, he said with a frown, And I dont know why. Oh yeah? You dont know?, blurted his mother, Who refuses to listen to teachers or to any classes? Who looks away when he is being spoken to? He put his head down, and then raised his eyebrows to look at me with the Help me look. I really dont know why I am being shouted at, he said, No one wants to listen to me. After dealing with many many children on a daily basis, I believed that children always had a reason for the way they behaved if only we could listen and understand. The child-like innocence is indeed real. Show me what theyve taught you in Yoga class, I asked. His eyes lit up. And he immediately explained to me about Pranayama and breathing exercises. He began to hyperventilate and show me how rapid breathing is done. And then it happened. He suddenly turned blank and froze for a few seconds. I called out him name and there was no response. He sat there, staring into blank space. See, this is what he does doctor. All the time, said the mother. angrily. Well, it was obvious. It was an absence seizure, classically triggered by hyperventilation or breathing hard. Here was the difficult kid having a seizure every now and then. The EEG test came positive for absence seizures and he responded dramatically well to treatment. The mother had no complaints on the next visit. He is completely a normal boy now, said the mother rather sheepishly, I cannot believe it was a seizure. I looked at him and asked him how he was. He smiled. I am fine, he said, They finally listen to me.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 06:04:23 +0000

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