LISTEN TO THE WORD OF GOD In todays high tech society there - TopicsExpress


LISTEN TO THE WORD OF GOD In todays high tech society there are many ways and opportunities to study Gods Word. Reading regullarly, hearing through others teaching (pastors and class teachers), recordings and of course hearing it on the many venues of social media as others read and teach. While one method of studying may not be more effective than another, it is important to keep our horse in the proper place being Gods servants. Many are always so ready to step up to the plate often, always offering their time, money and talents to do work in the church. The problem here is many of them are ones that serve without listening. To those that fit in this category usually will be found reading Gods Word just to accomplish a personal or church driven goal of some sort that is not necessarily fitting in with Gods plan for them and the church. God speaks to us through His Word and will use that venue to speak to us His desires, purpose, and goal for our service. Along with these insruction will come time for us to pause and LISTEN as Holy Spirit speaks to us the detailed instructions for the task at hand. It is then the proper time to step out and respond to what we have heard God tell us. Listen but but not responding is the next problem here. Of what good is it to have the keys and permission to drive the most expensive vehicle ever made if you do not open the door, start up the engine and put to use the instructions and talents you have been blessed with? All too often it is happening that dedicated Christians that attend every function at church and are always hearing the Word of God and the instructions that go along with it but, never put the knowledge to use beacuse they listen without responding. Stop, Drop, and Listen. Stop attempting service without proper guidance. And stop hearing the proper guidance and doing nothing with it. Drop the pious attitude of always being in church when the doors are open and taking on all forms of study that result in you not serving. Listen to God as He speaks to you. Prayer, silent contemplation and seperating oneself from outside influence is improtant. We must be open to listening to God and taking what He has told us as we step out in faith with all tools necessary to complete our assigned task.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 15:39:27 +0000

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