LITTLE HAS CHANGED • This is why Nigerians may not - TopicsExpress


LITTLE HAS CHANGED • This is why Nigerians may not get stable power supply in spite of privatisation WITH the current state of electricity supply across the country, power- starved Nigerians must be wondering if their erstwhile nightmare, Power Holdings Company of Nigeria (PHCN) has not mutated into something worse than the old sobriquet – Problem Has Changed Name – after the last rites of privatisation of the unbundled PHCN entities. Long accustomed to the astounding ineptitude of the erstwhile power utility firm, Nigerians must have imagined that their nightmares were about to end with the successful takeover of the distribution companies (DISCOs) by the preferred bidders late last year. Nothing, it seems, is set to change. No doubt, the idea of the restructuring, as advertised, was to have a power sector that works, a sector with disparate players bound together by the force of regulation – and one which delivers value to every player. That obviously was the basis of optimism in the power sector reform that has taken nearly the whole of 14 years to deliver. While it might seem early in the day for a definitive prognosis, there is hardly any dispute in the fact that what we have presently is the worst of possible combinations: a disappointingly inadequate generation capacity that continues to be ill-served by its transmission system; a group of out-of-depth players in the distribution system, all of these, in a confounding regulatory environment under which no one appears to be in charge. The truth is that the promises for the electricity-starved consumers are no longer as they were. Indeed, the outlook would appear grimmer, something of a marked departure from the incremental boost as promised by President Goodluck Jonathan only a short while ago. Clearly, there can hardly be a better evidence of the regression than the 4,517.6mw delivered to the grid in December 2012, compared with the barely 3,565mw delivered last December after the combined output of two new plants were supposed to have been injected into the grid. Given the massive load-shedding that has been going on since the beginning of the year, the situation is unlikely to have improved. Much as the Federal Government would seek to hold the other Nigerian nightmare – those behind the vandalisation of vital power installations and gas pipelines – responsible for the current crisis in the power sector, a lot of the problems can also be explained by its continuing failure to confront the problems that have dogged the sector. While it seems easy to be asked to swallow the sabotage theory being bandied by the Minister of Power, Prof. Chinedu Nebo, as responsible for the crisis, it is difficult to accept the idea that the government cannot confront and tame a monster holding the economy by the jugular. And that is not all. The government obviously stands no less guilty for the serial misjudgements which appear, in the circumstance, to have delivered a botched process. Of course, merely by its final outcome, the privatisation process could have passed for an unqualified success; but then, only when its aftermath is evaluated in terms of the promised deliverables does a truer picture emerge – the picture of a club of disparate players with little or no discernable methods to their operations. Before now, we had expressed worries that names of global players in the power sector couldn’t be found among those seeking to take over the entities. Our fears would seem to have been borne out with the unprecedented inertia since their coming; that is aside the un-denied reports about the DISCOs coming together to solicit for credit guarantees from the Federal Government after the latter is supposed to have divested. If we may be more specific, in vain have we sought for evidence of the new ideas, technical capacity, and demonstrable commitment to new methods of doing business. It may well be business as usual. Related to this is that the nation is being told that they cannot collect outstanding liabilities owed by consumers under the ancien regime. This of course raises the all- important question of the quality of due diligence conducted before bidding for the units. More disturbing, the DISCOs would appear bent on continuing with the outmoded billing system that not only robbed the consumers blind but one that insisted on levying them for services that were never rendered. That perhaps explains why the companies are neither forthcoming on the issue of pre- paid meters to the consumers, nor have they demonstrated willingness to embrace the fundamental principle of equity on which modern businesses are run. And all of these in an environment where the electricity consumer is often presented as a chronically bad debtor. The fact of the matter is that the Nigerian electricity consumer has put up for far too long with the tyranny and ineptitude of entities meant to guarantee him power supply. Now is the time to end the tyranny and ineptitude. Nigerians are tired of the wearisome excuses that seek to rationalise why they cannot get electricity after close to a decade of power sector reforms that have gulped nearly $16 billion. We expect the regulator – the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission, NERC, to move away from its self-imposed inertia, to embrace the challenge of firmness and even-handedness which the deregulated power sector demands. The consumer must be made to pay only for the services enjoyed. We do not accept that the DISCOs should be granted any indulgences by way of estimated billings. That is what equity demands. Only when the DISCOs are denied that indulgence would they be disposed to invest in vital infrastructure such as pre-paid meters. That is the way to go.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 03:53:39 +0000

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