LITTLE KNOWN KUKIS OF THE NORTH-EAST Friends, not much is found to read about the KUKIS of the NORTH-EAST. Today I wish to share with you, a little about them which I collected from an article published in the ASSAMESE MEGAZINE,- AWAHON of yesterday, written by SRI BHUBON CH. HANDIQUE more than 70 years ago. The KUKIS are found in the southern most part of the NORTH EAST of INDIA. The KUKIS belong to the TIBETO-BURMAN GROUP.. They originally came from the MONGOLIAN CHINA. The KUKIS entered NORTH- EAST much before the AHOMS entered the NORTH-EAST. The KUKI, LUSHEI, NAGAS and the MANIPURIS have very much similarity in their languages, which leads to think that all these tribes came from the same original place. The KUKIS are basically a very happy and mild tribe. During the BRITISH rule, they suffered a little. During the rule of the EAST INDIA COMPANY, CAPTAIN FISHER, brought the KUKIS UNDER BRITISH RULE.. Before this no body knew the KUKIS. They had several wars with the LUSHEIS. The KUKIS were defeated and they fled to the hills and plains of CACHER .In 1849 a big war broke out between the LUSHEIS and the BRITISH. In this war . The KUKIS helped the BRITISH. Against the LUSHEIS. When the population increased, the KUKIS moved to MANIPUR, LUSHEI HILLS, TRIPURA, NAGALAND and SYLHET DIST. They had several wars with the NAGAS also. During the SEPOY MUTINY, the KUKIS did not trouble the BRITISH. At that time, a few MANIPURI PRINCES revolted against the BRITISH.. CAPTAIN ROSS entered MANIPUR with the SYLHET LIGHT INFANTRY. Then the KUKIS helped CAPTAIN ROSS in a big way .and they were rewarded by the BRITISH CAPTAIN for their helps. Although the KUKIS were a backward hill tribe, they had different cultures among them The KUKIS have two main groups. They are—KHOSAK and KHOTLANG. The KHOSAK, has several sub-tribes among them like—KHOBUNG ,HEK , LEIBI, HMAR, LUSHEI. KEIVONG, LU-TAO . The KHOTLANGS also has sub-tribes like,-OMONG, KHOJOL,TOLAR, DUNGA-KAL, SELATE, KUMTE and TAI-TE .These different sub tribes have different languages and different cultures among them. The KUKIS do not have a written language. Some of them staying near EAST BENGAL , have learnt a little BENGALI. The KUKIS are an independent tribe. They are not tall but physically very much fit and strong. They are extremely hard working. They are fond of war and totally self dependent. They take everything in life very easily. The KUKIS basically depend on agriculture to survive They cultivate in the plains as well as on the hills. JHUM cultivation is most popular. In the plain, they grow paddy, master seeds and in the hills they grow vegetables. They grow cotton in plenty as the same is required to make clothes for them. They do community or public cultivation. Every body joins hands to cultivate together. .As a result the lonely people of the society are benefitted. They have a very nice system. During harvesting, they make small huts in the field itself, and leave their harvested crop in those huts. No body steals the crop.. They strongly believe that if some one steals, the thief will have no food to eat in the coming years. For this believe, nobody dares to steal a corn. At the end of the harvesting they observe a big festival and a feast. And also offers worship to different gods they believe. The KUKIS are the best hunters among all the hill tribes. They use bow and arrow, spears and SBBL guns for hunting and also for warfare. They use poisoned arrow . The KUKIS are very fond of meat. From hunting they get meat as well as skins of the hunted animals for making warm clothes and dresses .The best hunter among them gets the highest respect and honour in the society. Some want to say that the KUKIS were head hunters once upon a time. But the KUKIS deny the fact. Many families stay together in a KUKI village. About, 250-300 families live in one village. They make their village on high places of the hill .To, guard against enemies and wild animals , they surround their village with strong wooden walls. Some make bamboo walls. The youths guard the village whole night. The KUKIS, make thread out of the cotton .Every young girl knows weaving. The males ware LUNGIS like the BURMESE, and the females put on MEKHALA and CHADDARS .to cover them.. The KUKI food is similar to the food of the ASSAMESE .They are very fond of meat. They eat meat of almost all type of animals. They always prefer to eat roasted meat. They know how to and where from collect rock salt from the hills. All the members of the family eat together. They are a most mild and simple people always talking very good care of their guests. Father is the head of the family. Women enjoy, a very free life .and are hard working and also help the family in earning money with their works. The polygamy system exists among the KUKIS. They never waste time. They are very fond of music. The young man who can sing best is made a leader among the group. Drums and horns are the main musical instruments. They believe in evil spirits. Their gods are the HINDU GODS. They worship, LORD SHIV, INDRA ,RAMA , KALI. They also believe in the HEAVEN and RE-BIRTH.. They burry the deads . The KUKIS, have a leader over 300-400 people. He is like the king. Besides the king, they have a religious leader and a CRAFTSMAN. The king can appoint a minister to help him .During war every male member must take part. The KUKIS are expert in the GUERRILLA WARFARE.. The BRITISH brought CHRISTIANITY among the KUKIS. Originally, the missionaries faced a tough problem. But the missionaries played a trick on these simple people .The areas inhabited by the KUKIS were infested with malaria and black water fever. The missionaries distributed free medicines among the sick KUKIS and told them that it was gift from JESUS.. The KUKIS who always died in these diseases started recovering. And the simple KUKIS STARTED BELIEVING IN JESUS. As a result more than 90 % KUKIS were converted as CHRISTIANS. Many churches were built. The missionaries also allured them with colourful gifts. The trick of the missionaries played a magic role. The KUKIS gave up their old customs and became sincere CHRISTIANS. Now, however they are slowly realizing what they lost. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 10:47:11 +0000

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