LITTLE LIES ARENT SO LITTLE Most people consider blatant - TopicsExpress


LITTLE LIES ARENT SO LITTLE Most people consider blatant dishonesty a bad thing. But what about little lies? Do they really hurt anything? It probably won’t surprise you that most folks think of themselves as basically honest. That’s because they avoid big lies, like tax evasion and infidelity. But the everyday, tiny fibs? How much harm could they really do? Well, as it turns out, a lot. According to a Wall Street Journal article, so-called “little” lies aren’t nearly as innocent as people think. In a study about lying, researchers put together a basic math test. The participants earned money for every problem they finished in the allotted time. As expected, a handful of people told blatant lies about how much they completed, which cost the researchers a few hundred dollars. But even more significant were the multitude who lied “just a little” about what they’d achieved. Taken together, their lies cost the researchers thousands. Over time, little lies can add up to big problems. They may not cause immediate damage in the same way as a big lie, but the long term effects are often just as significant – in some cases, more so. That’s why God admonishes us through Scripture not to “bear false witness.” He knows a truth we so often overlook: Even little lies chip away at the stability of an organization, a family, or a marriage. Left unchecked, deceit will eventually compromise our relationships and our ability to survive life’s challenges. It’s just like the Jewish proverb says: “A half-truth is a whole lie.” In other words, little lies aren’t so little after all.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:45:46 +0000

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