LIVE - Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 crashed in Indian - TopicsExpress


LIVE - Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 crashed in Indian Ocean, no possible survivors says PM by Supriya Jha Most Popular in News MORE FROM OTHER SECTIO N7:30pm: Missing Malaysian plane MH370 has crashed, says PM The missingMalaysia Airline aircraft with 239 peopleon board has crashedin the southern Indian Ocean, Prime Minister Najib Razak said today, ending days of uncertaintyover the fate of the aircraft. With deepsadnessI want to inform you that Flight MH370 endedin SouthernIndian Ocean, Najib told reportersat a specially convened pressconference. He said based on informationprovidedby British satellitecompanyInmarsat we have concluded thatthe planeflew along the southerncorridor in whichits last positionwas in the middle of southernIndian Ocean. 7:00pm: Malaysia Airlines hints of no survivors left on Flight MH370 Malaysia Airlinesissueda pressrelease in which it has paid homage to the 239 peoplewho were on board Flight MH370 as the flightis being presumedhas crash in the Indian Ocean. “On behalfof all of us at Malaysia Airlinesand all Malaysians, our prayersgo outto all the loved onesof the 226 passengersand of our 13 friendsand colleaguesat thisenormouslypainful time,” the Malaysia Airlinessaid in the press release. 04:10pm: More than hundred people interviewed so far, says Malaysian minister MalaysiasactingTransport Minister HishammuddinHusseinhas said thatmore than a hundredpeoplehave beeninterviewedby the Police in a bid to get cluesregardingthe Malaysian jet mystery. Thoseinterviewedincludethe families of pilot and co-pilot. Earlier, the FBI expertshad suggestedthatpilotsestrangedwife Faizah Khan mustbe interviewedto get cluesaboutthe mentalstate of the man piloting the ill-fated plane. 03:45pm: Objects could be received within next few hours? Kindlinghope in the hunt for the missingjet, Malaysian ministerHishammuddinHusseinhas said thatthe objectssightedby the RAAF Orion couldbe retrievedin next few hoursor by tomorrowmorning. HMAS Successis in the vicinityand it is possiblethatthe objectscouldbe receivedwithin the next few hours,or by tomorrowmorning at the latest.Threesearch areas, totalling approximately20,000 squarenauticalmiles, have beenidentifiedfor operationstoday, he said in a statement. 03:20pm: Australian Air Forces P3Orion locates objects In a first, a Royal AustralianAir Force P3 Orion has managedto locate two objectsin southern Indian objects,says the lateststatementissued by the AustralianMaritimeSafety Authority. One of themis a grey or green circularobject and the secondan orange rectangularobject. HMAS Successis on sceneand is attemptingto locate the objectsin the search for missing Malaysia Aircraft flightMH370, said the AMSA statement. The objectswerespottedin the search area about2500 kilometressouth-west of Perth by the RAAF Orion about2.45pm (AEDT. AMSA furtherclarifiedthattheseobjectslocated by RAAF Orion are separateto the objects reportedby the ChineseIlyushin IL-76. 02:30pm: Always searching, always searching, but no clues? Frustratedwith the lack of any solidlead in the search of the missingMalaysian Airlinesplane, the falilies of the passengersaboardthe ill-fated planeare findingthe wait tooagonising. One suchaggrievedand angry Chinesefamiliy membertold Reuters, Its already beenso many days. And no clues.Theyre always searching, always searching.Can sucha big planenotbe found? 02:30pm: Co-pilot was new to Boeing 777 but had strict training In what may furtherputthe role of menin cockpitin spotlight,it has emergedthatco-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid of the missingMalaysia AirlinesflightMH370 was new to Boeing 777, with it beinghis sixthflighton board the Boeing plane. However, Malaysia AirlinesCEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya has said thatthe co-pilots training had beenvery strict,reportedteh Strait Times. Mr Yahay addedthatCaptain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was a Boeing 777 examiner. 01:40pm: USNavys P8Poseidon tasked to locate objects spotted by China US Navy P8 Poseidonhas beenentitledto look for the suspiciouswhite objects spottedby Chineseplane,reportsCCTV news. 01:20pm: Another Malaysian Airlines flight got hit by aflock of doves Addingto the troublesof Malaysia Airlines, reportssurfacedtoday sayingthatanother Malaysia Airlinesflight(MH114)had on Friday beenhit by a flockof doves,whilethe planewas landing at Nepals Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA). A flockof ducksstruckthe aircraft’s windshield as it toucheddownon the runway at 10.45pm, leaving the southerntip of runway 02 strewn with brokenglass, airportauthoritiessaid as per a reportin the Star online. The reportaddedthatthe incidentwas not reportedimmediatelyto the Air Traffic Controllersby the cockpitcrew. The incidentcameto lightafter a pilotof Jet Airways, whichlanded minutesafter Malaysia Airlines, informedus of sightingpiecesof glass on the runway, the reportquotedan ATC on conditionof anonymity. 11:30am: Chinese icebreaker Xuelong heading towards search area ChineseicebreakerXuelongis headingtowards thatarea in the in the southernIndian Ocean where suspicioussquarewhite objectshave beenspottedby Chineseplane. 11:00am: Now, another Malaysian Airlines plane makes emergency landing Even as the Malaysia Airlinesis grappling with the mysteryovr what mighthave happenedwith Flight MH370, another MA Flight MH066, which was Seoul-bound, had to be divertedto Hong Kong, dueto electricalglitches. Flight MH066 from Kuala Lumpurto Incheonon 23 March2014 was divertedto Hong Kong due to an inoperativeaircraft generatorwhich suppliesnormalelectricalpower. However electricalpowercontinuedto be suppliedby the Auxiliary Power Unit. The aircraft was then divertedto Hong Kong for rectificationand landed uneventfully,said Malaysian Airlinesin a statement. 10:40am: USNavys Black Box locator reaching search area After few possibledebrissightingsreportedby countrieslike France, China and Australia, the US Navy has decidedto sendits Black Box locator - Towed Pinger Locator 25 - to the search area in southernIndian Ocean. However, it doesnotmean thata debrisfield has been foundin the area, said officials. Please notethatmovementof the Towed Pinger Locator into the region is notan indicationthat we have confirmeda debrisfield, the AFP quotedUS Navys 7th FleetsCommander William Marks. If a debrisfield is confirmed,The Navys Towed Pinger Locator 25 will add a significant advantagein locatingthe missingMalaysian aircrafts black box, he added. 10:10am: Cell phones of passengers aboard flight MH370not connecting anymore A reportthathad sent many into tizzy was that scoresof relativesof Chinesepassengerswere able to connectsuccessfullyto the cell phonesof their kinson board the ill-fated Malaysian Airlinesplane. But now, when various passengersphonenumbersweretried, none couldbe connected,said Malaysia Embassyto China as per CCTV News. The phoneswereconnectingtill a coupleof days after the planesdisappearance. 9:50am: Chinese plane finds suspicious white objects in Indian Ocean ChinesemilitarysIL-76 planeon Monday is said to have spottedsuspiciouswhite objects in the SouthernIndian Ocean whilesearchingfor the missingjet, reportedthe Xinhua. The crewhas reportedthe co-ordinates- 95.1113 degreeseast and 42.5453 south - to the Australiancommandcentreas well as Chinese icebreakerXuelong,whichis en route to the sea area, Xinhua said. 9:20am: Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 flew at low altitude after sharp turn After making a sharpturn towards the Strait of Malacca, the ill-fated planeflew at an altitude as low as 12000 feet,to avoid heavy traffic of the air corridor in thatarea, a reportin the CNN has quotedan anonymoussourceas saying. The source,an investigatingofficial unauthorised to speakto the media,told the CNN thatthe planeflew at 12,000 feetat somepointbefore it disappearedfrom radar. The reportadds thatthe sharpturn was intentionalas the Boeing 777 would have taken two minutesin turningthe planebecausehad any untoward incidenttakenplace, the pilot couldhave sent an emergencysignal. But one cantrule outthatthe pilotmighthave tried but failed to inform. 9:00am: French sighting 850kilometres north of current search area Speakingaboutthe freshcluesin the form of French sightings,AustralianDeputyPrime Minister Warren Truss said the latestpotential debriswas about850 kilometresnorthof the currentsearch area. The area where debrishas beenpicked up by satellitesis of particularinterest,and theyre the focusof a lot of the searching... The French sightingis I guessa pieceof new material becausethatis in a completelydifferentlocation. That is about850 kilometresnorthof our current search area,” ABC News quotedMr Truss. 8:30am: Search resumes, 10aircraft hunting for the missing jet today As the planesearch is in its thirdweek, the AustralianMaritimeSafety Authority(AMSA) has ropedin 10 aircraft today to search for possible objectsin the search area about2500 kilometres south-west of Perth. AMSAs civil aircraft and military aircraft from Australia, New Zealand, the United States, China and Japan are also engagedin the hunt, said the maritimesafety agency in a statement. Two Ilyushin IL-76 aircraft from China and two P3 Orion aircraft from Japan are addingto the search mission. First Published: Monday, March24, 2014, 09:01
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:40:04 +0000

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