LIVE FULLY, DIE EMPTY! 2Kings13:21 ” and when the man was let - TopicsExpress


LIVE FULLY, DIE EMPTY! 2Kings13:21 ” and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet. ”The hour glass paints a picture of life, as it empties itself from one container to the other; grain after grain, finally the top side of the glass is fully empty while the downside is full. Elijah transferred a double portion of his anointing to Elisha but Elisha had Gehazi – a dishonest servant and could not transfer the anointing to him. While Elisha fulfilled his potential to a level, he did not die empty. On a particular occasion, a man died and was about to be buried and was dumped on Elisha’s bones, the man resurrected.Cemeteries are a resting place for the departed where, not just the body of the departed is interred but also unrealized dreams and unfulfilled potentials. We may find different categories of people in the cemeteries, but let me suggest to you that in cemeteries you will find some who are already fulfilling their potentials and dreams when they were cut down by death, some did not and few died empty. We all have one life to live and every moment the clock is ticking, there are potentials and abilities, you are blessed with – your talents and gifts are to be maximized. Living fully involves maximizing your potentials, using your abilities to serve God and humanity. While dying empty is ensuring that you do not go to your grave without using all your potentials. Paul said:2Timothy 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 1. One of the common feature of unfulfilled destinies is fear. Fear keeps people from using their potentials and abilities. You may assume that what you have is too small to make any impact but remember the big is in the small, you have to grow and refine what you have until it becomes great. You need to submit to the process of growth. Everything that becomes big grew from being small to being big. It took some time and practice too before you could learn to walk before walking you crawled. It took some stumbling before you gained your balance. When it comes to speaking, you had to babble before speaking coherently. You didn’t start writing the entire alphabet the same day you were born. 2. Unwillingness to go beyond the risk barrier. The fear of failure is the undertaker of many unfulfilled destinies, it immobilizes, when we refuse to take risk because we have an intense unhealthy consideration for the possibility of failure, we undermine ourselves subconsciously and our will to move forward becomes diminished. We may want to progress and load our conscious mind with positive thoughts; but our subconscious is on auto-pilot and drags us back. We eventually self-sabotage ourselves. We learned fear through observation and conditioning, and we can unlearn them by changing our perception about failure. How do you see failure? Do you see it as a learning experience or as the end of everything?Whenever you want to do a thing or develop or deploy your potentials or abilities, get informed. Examine if your initial thoughts are why it will never work. Your mind may serve you with reasons for failure, ask yourself if there is anyone who has ever succeeded in the thing you set out to do. If there is no one be determined to be a pioneer. If you failed, you have only learned ways it will not work. Thomas Edison had this perception about his failures several time before he eventually got the bulb right. When interviewed by a reporter he said: “Young man, why would I feel like a failure? And why would I ever give up? I now know definitively over 9,000 ways that an electric light bulb will not work. Success is almost in my grasp.” Not long after that and over 10,000 attempts, Edison invented the light bulb. In the parable of talents, the unprofitable servant said:Matthew 25:25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine. The profitable servants, who maximized their talents, also faced the risk of losing their investment, if they gave an unhealthy consideration to the risk they face, they will also hide their talents in the ground. But they went beyond the risk barrier to produce a return on the investment. God has not given you the spirit of fear so reject it.2Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind POWER PILL:Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 10:32:22 +0000

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