LIVE ON THE NITE BREEZE WITH ARTHUR DVACCINE “…Reasons Why Being Single Sucks…” ma personal xperience btw 1. You Feel Left Out. It feels bad when your friends are out on their dates and your left alone, Most when they invite you over to hang out with them, you know how bad it feels to be with no partner. 2. Loneliness Nothing makes you feel alone when you see other people happy with their relationships, Most of the time you Stay alone on weekends with no one to hang around with, your friends Go out but your Left alone. Its sad. 3. Missing Fun. Having a partner can be fun when it come to going out on dates, being single means you miss all this, no going out on weekends and you do, Its still not good for you since you will just be alone while other are having much fun. 4. Wishes At some point, you will come to think and have wishes on why you ain’t dating. You will be missing till you will be having thoughts of dating again. 5. S3x is not guaranteed. Single Means no partner, having no partner means not guaranteed s3x, its not like dating, you can have it when you want. To get it you need someone that’s when the thought of dating will cross your mind. to vote for the nite breeze type RTVA(SPACE) 226 SEND TO 8888
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 20:39:13 +0000

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