LIVE UPDATES FROM THE #MH370 PRESS CONFERENCE AT KLIA 14th March 2014, 5:30PM * They are entering the 7th day. There are now 57 ships, 48 aircrafts and 13 countries taking part in the SAR mission * They are working closely with international partners and are grateful for support from friends and neighbours, and continue to share data and resources * Our hearts are with families and friends of those on board the plane * The authorities will not release any info until it is verified * Since Sunday the authorities have been working closely with the international partners including the US team * The aircraft is still missing and search area is expanding. Today the search area is further east of the South China Sea and further into the Indian Ocean - circumstances forced them to widen the search * DS Hishamuddin reiterated that the missing aircraft’s engines did not send out signals after it lost contact with air traffic control. * There were two oil slick sightings at the South China Sea - the first sighting had been investigated and tiny traces of jet fuel found were found not linked to MH370, while the second oil slick sighting did not contain any jet fuel * Engine data showed that the plane kept flying. The report that the aircraft kept flying for 4 hours was not true. Boeings statement confirmed that. * From the beginning of the crisis the authorities have worked hand in hand with all relevant parties. * On the possible turn back, DS Hishamuddin repeated that this is still only a “possibility”. He said: “That has not changed.” * Investigators could not rule out hijacking. All possibilities are being examined * DCA: The US are trying to get data from their satellite system * DS Hishamuddin admitted that it can be hard to face the relatives of those on board the missing flight. He expressed his gratitude to everyone’s support irregardless of race, religion and background. He also thanked all countries who came forward to offer their assistance and support. * CEO MAS: All our employees are holding on strong and are giving their all to provide emotional support and assistance to all family members of passengers and crew members * FFA and NTSB confirmed that the Malaysian authorities made the right decision to focus on both areas - the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean * DS Hishamuddin: In response to reporters questions about comm system’s shut down, he said there are 4-5 possibilities that they are exploring. * DS Hishamuddin insisted that conflicting information about the missing plane is coming from external speculation, not the Malaysian government. * DS Hishamuddin has not ruled out raiding homes of crew members of the missing plane. “If investigation requires searching the pilots’ homes, it will be done,” the minister said. The next press conference is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday 15 March 2014 at 5:30pm #PrayForMH370
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 10:22:31 +0000

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