LIVE from Boston, Mass: It’s the JOE CORNWALL SHOW: Cherry - TopicsExpress


LIVE from Boston, Mass: It’s the JOE CORNWALL SHOW: Cherry Chuesdays on a Satday/SATDAY STEW/SLAPWAY SATDAY 12 TH FLOOR AIRPORT MARRIOTT HOTEL, ATLANTA-DAY Cherry exits a hotel room and enters the elevator. She wears a navy blue pencil skirt and a white form fitting top. She exits the elevator and sits in a crowded lobby area. Her phone rings and she walks out of the lobby into a waiting car. She waves to the concierge who smiles as the car speeds off. She looks over at Duncan who is behind the wheel of a 2013 Mercedes. CHERRY: Hunny BooBoo you are giving me life. No make that you are giving the world life. Living for the grey suit with the pink shirt. You are punishing Hunny Booboo Cherry breaks into song. CHERRY(singing): Do you really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me cry? They both laugh. DUNCAN: Now promise me you will be on your best behaviour. Promise you will not go overboard. I beg of you. CHERRY: Me, overboard? I cannot swim Hunny BooBoo. I cannot swim. Duncan rolls his eyes. CHERRY: I cross my heart and spit. DUNCAN: Not becoming at all. CHERRY: Alright. Thunder roll and bruk mi neck under green tree. DUNCAN: What? CHERRY: I forget. It feels like the pageant where we need an interpreter. Just smile and nod Hunny BooBoo. You cute so you can get away with a lil’ ignorance. DUNCAN: I know what that means. I spent many summers with my cousins in Kingston town. CHERRY: Nobody says Kingston town. And where in Kingston town did you spend these holidays? DUNCAN: I spent it between Red Hills and Belgrade Heights. CHERRY: And that would be St.Andrew and not Kingston. DUNCAN: Brilliant observation. Just brilliant and shall we move on? CHERRY: We shall. How much longer? What is Miss GPS saying? They always take the longer route. It’s a conspiracy. They must be stopped. I demand a full blown government investigation. Either dem move Dave’s house or the G.P.S. is trying to mess with divine destiny. DUNCAN: We are almost there. Just relax. Cherry pulls a bottle of wine and wine glass from her bag. She pours it and sips. CHERRY: This is a good blend. This was a good year. DUNCAN: It was made in 2012. It cannot be that good. CHERRY: Give me a break. I am having a moment. Some people wait a lifetime for moment like this. DUNCAN: Okay Miss Kelly Clarkson. CHERRY: Only if it’s the slimmed down version. She never cute when she did fat/ Cherry pours herself another glass of wine. DUNCAN: No more. Put away the wine. No one wants to see a drunk Jamaican woman at a Thanksgiving party. This place is littered with police patrols. CHERRY: Live a little. Flashing lights and the sound of sirens are seen and heard and Duncan pulls over. Cherry places the bottle of wine in the glove compartment. She pops chewing gum in her mouth. CHERRY: Hunny BooBoo say nothing. I have this. The police moves toward the car. He shines a flashlight. POLICE: Licence and registration please. Duncan hands the police the vehicle registration while searching for his driver’s licence. Cherry sobs uncontrollably. POLICE: Miss is there something wrong? CHERRY: We are on our way to my grandmother’s viewing. She’s such a sweet soul. She died in her sleep. You may know her. POLICE: I don’t think I know her. I am sorry for you loss. CHERRY: You cannot live in Georgia and not know Mama Mae. POLICE: I am afraid I don’t know her. CHERRY: Do you know the barbecue spot, THIS IS IT? POLICE: Yes. They have the best ribs. CHERRY: Well Mama Mae and Uncle Ezroy started that one. They built it from scratch and now she’s gone. The police hands Duncan the vehicle registration. POLICE: Be safe and I am sorry again for you loss. Drive safely. They drive off. CHERRY: And the Oscar for Best Actress in A Leading Role goes to.... Cherry pauses she looks around. DUNCAN: Meryl Streep. CHERRY: How you know so? You coulda gooder than gold once Miss Meryl she inna it you can nobodda turn up. DUNCAN: You are something else. Who the hell is Mama Mae? CHERRY: This is Georgia and they will arrest you for anything. You left your driver’s licence in the hotel room. I meant to take it up but I was rushing. DUNCAN: Well I should consider myself lucky. CHERRY: One police can so fool? DUNCAN: I was thinking the same thing. A funeral viewing on Thanksgiving night? Now that one takes the cake. CHERRY: No that one takes the whole bakery. Lawks, I feel hungry. Cherry removes the bottle of wine and wine glass from the glove compartment. She pours herself another glass. She drinks. She appears sad. DUNCAN: Are you alright? What are you thinking about? CHERRY: I am having a drink in loving memory of Mama Mae. DUNCAN: I should know better than to ask you such a question. The GPS says turn left. Approaching destination on left. CHERRY: Hunny BooBoo, you haven’t complimented me on my my makeup. Is it sitting or what? DUNCAN: Remember I was the one who applied it. CHERRY: And my hair and wardrobe? DUNCAN: I styled and I selected the pieces. CHERRY: Can I get credit for something? DUNCAN: Put away the wine. We are here. Cherry looks at herself in the mirror. CHERRY: Now Duncan please promise me if I go too far you will pull me back. DUNCAN: How far is too far? CHERRY: It depends on who is doing it. Rrrgggghhh, Hunny BooBoo. Rrrgggghhhhhh. I am purring because I am perfect. DUNCAN: I don’t have a good feeling about this. Are you sure you want to do this? CHERRY: Nobody messes with Cherry and gets away with it. The Bible says somewhere that vengeance is mine. DUNCAN: The Bible wasn’t referring to you Cherry. The GPS says destination reached. CHERRY: Now Cherry girl you’ve been practising for too long. Pull it together. It’s showtime and the lights will be on you. DUNCAN: The dreaded self pep talk. You are the best. CHERRY: No make the bestest in the west. I hope they have chicken foot soup. I need something hot.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 14:17:58 +0000

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