LIVING AN HONORABLE LIFE- The Christian Public Servant August 22, - TopicsExpress


LIVING AN HONORABLE LIFE- The Christian Public Servant August 22, 2014 – Friday Reading James 3:13 (NLT) If you are wise and understand God’s way, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with humility that comes from wisdom. Reflection Two weeks ago, I was challenged in the yard. A wayward brother was upset that some of us were openly talking about Christ. He interrupted us when we started to pray aloud. I was mad. I really wanted to respond in a foolish way, which would have escalated the conflict. But my Christian brothers asked for God’s wisdom quicker than I did. So instead, we prayed even harder out in that yard. We prayed that our Lord would give us His wisdom and His understanding to show this wayward brother His way and not the world’s way. Sometimes we, as Christians, are judged and labeled by people who don’t know us. Perhaps they are threatened or convicted by our Christian life style. It may result from simple things, like praying before a meal. It may be because of larger things, like giving to others that which the Father gives to us. Whenever we are attacked, we have to respond with God’s wisdom to show His peace and His goodness. Out in that yard, I learned (again) that you just have to let go of the world and ask for God’s peace to pour into your heart. You have to show the wayward that living an honorable life is based not so much on how you act but on how you react – on doing good works despite the world, and doing them with the kind of humility found only through God’s wisdom and grace. Today at work, when you are out in that “yard,” prove God’s way to the wayward by living an honorable life. Prayer Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray. I want to thank You for the wisdom You bless me with freely whenever I ask. I ask that You continue to soften my heart so that I may continue living an honorable life to show others Your way. Amen. Jimmy Davis, Jr. Z-557 Unit N-10 Death Row Holman Correctional Facility Atmore, Alabama USA
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 13:14:59 +0000

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