LIVING THROUGH SPIRITS BETWEEN TWO WORLDS Classes comming soon - TopicsExpress


LIVING THROUGH SPIRITS BETWEEN TWO WORLDS Classes comming soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you ready to learn exactly how to tap into the spiritual forces around you and make your intuition fully functioning? Then this in depth psychic medium development class is for you! What you will learn here will help you to learn to communicate with your Angels, Spirit Guides and your own intuitive nature. The training you receive will also help you with relationships, careers, or any area where higher guidance could be beneficial in your life or the lives of others. What you will discover in this class are the methods and practices which enable you to be more open to receive information from your soul/Higher Self at all times; and this includes learning how to communicate with loved ones who have crossed over! (Priceless) The results experienced after performing the exercises detailed in this class can be quite astonishing. People are often amazed when they discover just how limitless their intuitive skills really are! This Class will teach you exactly how to tap into those spiritual forces that have always been around you. This class will also help you communicate with spiritual guidance (SPIRIT GUIDES What is mediumship? Mediumship is when a physical person communicates with the spirits of those who are considered dead. The theory is that when our physical life is over, our consciousness survives and passes into the world of spirit. The spirit world is separated from the physical world by dimension and frequency. Evidential mediumship proves that our loved ones still exist, but on another plane. They are at times still aware of our circumstances, and continue to be a part of our lives. The spirits give messages that distinguish who they are, show that they are aware of situations that have happened since they passed, and often give love, support and healing. This process can help the bereaved come to terms with their loss and help us all lose our fear of death. Effective mediumship requires the cooperation of the medium, the spirits, and the sitter. Ethical mediums use their intent to contact only those spirits of the highest vibration of love and goodwill, to bring forth positive messages of comfort and healing. An ethical medium does not relay messages that bring fear or distress, or predict negative events. The medium quiets the conscious mind to access a higher vibration and receives information in ways which may include pictures, words, symbols, names, sounds, tastes and smells.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 08:15:27 +0000

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