LIVINGSTONIA MANAGEMENT PLEDGES TO SORT OUT UNIVERSITY MESS, 100 SUFFER DIARRHOEA The management of one of Malawi’s newest education institutions, the Livingstonia University has pledged to sort out the mess that led to some potential trouble over a week ago. Tension has been brewing up at Livingstonia University Laws Campus in Rumphi after over 100 students developed diarrhoea after taking last Sunday’s meals from the institution’s cafeteria. Last Monday, a good number of students flocked to David Gordon Memorial Clinic nearby where they were treated as out-patients for mainly stomach complications. According to medical personal at the health facility, most of the students’ condition was attributed to the previous night’s meal in their school cafeteria. Some students at the institution say that the issue of sanitation has been an outstanding issue at the university popularly known as UNILIA. MANAGEMENT MEETS STUDENTS REPRESENTATIVES Following the incident, Livingstonia University management swiftly arranged a meeting where the students presented their grievances. Nations Msowoya the President of the Students Union presented the concerns to preventatives of the school management who included Dean of Students Rev. Mvula, Deputy Principal Mr Kacheche and the school’s Registrar Mr Shaba. On behalf of management, the three acknowledged and took note of the following; - Lack of proper sanitation on the campus which lead to the diarrhoea saga. - Students demand for the removal of Karu Foods Ltd which runs cafeteria and pave way for another company. - Shortage of accommodation leading to 4 students sharing a room. - Some students being accommodated at Mzembe Hostel which is about 3kilometers away from the campus but worse still not being ferried to & from and yet they pay full fees of on-campus student. - Electricity problems is always on and off on the campus due to persistent faults. - Shortage of books in the library. - Shortage of permanent lectures yet the institution is introducing new programms almost year. - Lack of a school bus. Speaking to the students later, the institution’s Principal Dr Moses Mlenga assured the learners they had taken note of the concerns and said they would be acted upon. As a way of averting trouble, a Note was immediately placed on the Notice Board indicating students lodging at Mzembe Hostel would be given school transport and that casual labourers have been recruited to slash down overgrown grass around the campus. Meanwhile, Livingstonia University students are waiting to see how soon and swift management will act on the list of their grievances as in the past, they have been seen not to keep their word. Achoke! Achoke! Achoke!!!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 06:28:00 +0000

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