LLET JUSTICE REIGN FOR THE STUDENTS IN DETENTION Hi, everybody. Your top priority as students of Buea University right now should be doing everything you can to free your friends lamenting in the Buea prison and create an atmosphere for dialogue and the demilitarization of your campus. In less than a few weeks from now, the court is poised to pass a series of arbitrary, sentences that will do the exact opposite to the rule of fairness and equity. These conspirators will do this to frighten students and eventually cease their right of freedom of expression as the regime has done with the Cameroonian people. This strategy is working very well for the Biya regime as it has shift gears from random killing and elimination of opponent to the use of it judicial machinery to enforce his act of vendetta on the Cameroonian people. They are about to implement this in the university of Buea. Cameroonians need to decide if we are about to see the transfer of judicial aggression from his political rivals to innocent students expressing their right to demonstrate. If those students are held in detention for organizing an illegal demonstration then let the rule of law apply and they should be set free for time already served- But if they are held for property destruction, terroristic activities and taking the vice chancellor hostage then these are serious crimes and the state of Cameroon has the burden of proof. First in the case of property destruction Afrihuricam and the international community are demanding to see video evidence linking each of those held in detention to the crime, We are demanding that finger print evidence be produced tying them to the crime, we are also demanding that the state of Cameroon proof without any reasonable drought that those in captivity actually participated in the destruction. On the issue of terroristic activities we demand the state of Cameroon to provide evidence to justify this accusation or we treat it as a means to institute fear on citizens of Cameroon and to suppress freedom of expression and will be label as dictatorship by intimidation. After our investigation in Buea it was discover that the Vice chancellor had a secret meeting in her home three nights before the destruction of the faculty of Agriculture and before the football match that took place in campus during that period. This meeting was held with about fifteen male students in the presence of a said police officer name with held. It is believed that this meeting was in preparation for the attack on campus with petrol bombs. One of the students involved in the plot at the Vice Chancellor home that led to the destruction in Campus is currently seeking Asylum in a foreign country and is willing to reveal every thing that went on in that meeting. He is under our protection at the moment Lastly on the issue of holding the vice chancellor hostage we are demanding that the government of Cameroon release the tapes recorded during the negotiation by the police for her release and voice recognition matched to those in detention by a forensic expert. We also wants the name of the chief negotiator during the so call hostage crisis be release. As concern witnesses we are demanding that a complete background check be done by an independent investigator to ensure that they are not from the same tribe and have not received any financial assistance what so ever from the government for the past three year; these witnesses should be ready to take and pass a lie detective test to justify that they do not have any bias against the fellow students or are not in the payrol of the administration. On the part of the state of Cameroon’s star witness the Vice Chancellor of the University of Buea her credibility has to be justified by also passing a lie detective test. We are of the opinion that her test be broad cast on life television. Afrihuricam has raised the sum of $1.2 million to dispatch both forensic and lie detective experts to perform the test and reexamine the evidence and perform voice recognitions techniques to justify the evidence. As we speak a letter has been send to the Cameroon Ambassador in London for onward transmission to his Boss of external relations to allow the expert in the country. It will not be surprise if the government claims they never receive any such letter. But here’s the thing: This regime is willing to do every things to ignore our proposals and send those students to jail for a very long time. We can turn this around with just a little compromise by sacrificing a few days and carry out a seat in strike in Bongo square until the students are release. This time it will be different both the national and international press will be present. Note that, part of a secret agreement Cameroon has sign with the international community is no more killings of unarmed civilians- any killing has to be justify. This strike action will be for three days and if by mid day of the third day they are not release then it will go down in history as the turning point for change in Cameroon. Note Turkey’s membership into the European Union has been put on hold for the recent cracking down on demonstrators. Cameroon risk losing membership on the common wealth and the Fracophonie union if excessive force is used to crack down on any demonstrations. Already, the threat for change is looming in the country and something has to trigger that change to take place. The Brazilians are doing it now what are we waiting for manners to come from heaven no- The writing is already on the walls please open your eyes and read. Our ability to response to threats from the government has been greatly affected in an unusual way as we now act like sheep and the government our Sheppard. That’s what the choice will be. Are we Cameroonians really willing to let this illness fall on our kids? Are we really willing to transfer the burden to the next generation? These are the questions Cameroonians need to ask themselves. And I’m hopeful they’ll change their minds. Because the Cameroonians people have worked too hard for too long to see everything they’ve built undone by the regime recklessness. I believe we should work together to get those students release within the shortest time possible. I also believe we should do it in a balanced way –And it requires Cameroonians to meet together to resolve the problem. That’s what our children expect from us. And that’s what they deserve. We Cameroonians can copy example from Senegal where the president tries to change the constitution and was voted out of office and today they are benefiting from major roads constructions from the US. We just need young Cameroonians to come around. Because we need their help to finish the job of bringing about change in Cameroon in a smart way that doesn’t hurt our country or cripple our economy. After all, as we learned from the mistakes of the 1990s, nothing can stop us if we stand together and fight for a single course like one and indivisible nation. This has to be our driving focus. Equipping our young people with the skills required to carry out this change- that we all have to work together. Making sure our hard work leads to the change we are seeking to achieve. I will finally concluded that it is a shame that with all the human rights lawyers as the claim in Cameroon none is saying anything as concern the release of those students but all they know is to submit bogus projects to foreign embassies for training workshops I am call on all foreign embassies in Cameroon to only sponsored projects from groups and lawyers that are pro active in defending human rights in Cameroon. This call goes especially to the US embassy. Thanks. Very much and have a great weekend Interim Head of Change J.A.M LLET JUSTICE REIGN FOR THE STUDENTS IN DETENTION Hi, everybody. Your top priority as students of Buea University right now should be doing everything you can to free your friends lamenting in the Buea prison and create an atmosphere for dialogue and the demilitarization of your campus. In less than a few weeks from now, the court is poised to pass a series of arbitrary, sentences that will do the exact opposite to the rule of fairness and equity. These conspirators will do this to frighten students and eventually cease their right of freedom of expression as the regime has done with the Cameroonian people. This strategy is working very well for the Biya regime as it has shift gears from random killing and elimination of opponent to the use of it judicial machinery to enforce his act of vendetta on the Cameroonian people. They are about to implement this in the university of Buea. Cameroonians need to decide if we are about to see the transfer of judicial aggression from his political rivals to innocent students expressing their right to demonstrate. If those students are held in detention for organizing an illegal demonstration then let the rule of law apply and they should be set free for time already served- But if they are held for property destruction, terroristic activities and taking the vice chancellor hostage then these are serious crimes and the state of Cameroon has the burden of proof. First in the case of property destruction Afrihuricam and the international community are demanding to see video evidence linking each of those held in detention to the crime, We are demanding that finger print evidence be produced tying them to the crime, we are also demanding that the state of Cameroon proof without any reasonable drought that those in captivity actually participated in the destruction. On the issue of terroristic activities we demand the state of Cameroon to provide evidence to justify this accusation or we treat it as a means to institute fear on citizens of Cameroon and to suppress freedom of expression and will be label as dictatorship by intimidation. After our investigation in Buea it was discover that the Vice chancellor had a secret meeting in her home three nights before the destruction of the faculty of Agriculture and before the football match that took place in campus during that period. This meeting was held with about fifteen male students in the presence of a said police officer name with held. It is believed that this meeting was in preparation for the attack on campus with petrol bombs. One of the students involved in the plot at the Vice Chancellor home that led to the destruction in Campus is currently seeking Asylum in a foreign country and is willing to reveal every thing that went on in that meeting. He is under our protection at the moment Lastly on the issue of holding the vice chancellor hostage we are demanding that the government of Cameroon release the tapes recorded during the negotiation by the police for her release and voice recognition matched to those in detention by a forensic expert. We also wants the name of the chief negotiator during the so call hostage crisis be release. As concern witnesses we are demanding that a complete background check be done by an independent investigator to ensure that they are not from the same tribe and have not received any financial assistance what so ever from the government for the past three year; these witnesses should be ready to take and pass a lie detective test to justify that they do not have any bias against the fellow students or are not in the payrol of the administration. On the part of the state of Cameroon’s star witness the Vice Chancellor of the University of Buea her credibility has to be justified by also passing a lie detective test. We are of the opinion that her test be broad cast on life television. Afrihuricam has raised the sum of $1.2 million to dispatch both forensic and lie detective experts to perform the test and reexamine the evidence and perform voice recognitions techniques to justify the evidence. As we speak a letter has been send to the Cameroon Ambassador in London for onward transmission to his Boss of external relations to allow the expert in the country. It will not be surprise if the government claims they never receive any such letter. But here’s the thing: This regime is willing to do every things to ignore our proposals and send those students to jail for a very long time. We can turn this around with just a little compromise by sacrificing a few days and carry out a seat in strike in Bongo square until the students are release. This time it will be different both the national and international press will be present. Note that, part of a secret agreement Cameroon has sign with the international community is no more killings of unarmed civilians- any killing has to be justify. This strike action will be for three days and if by mid day of the third day they are not release then it will go down in history as the turning point for change in Cameroon. Note Turkey’s membership into the European Union has been put on hold for the recent cracking down on demonstrators. Cameroon risk losing membership on the common wealth and the Fracophonie union if excessive force is used to crack down on any demonstrations. Already, the threat for change is looming in the country and something has to trigger that change to take place. The Brazilians are doing it now what are we waiting for manners to come from heaven no- The writing is already on the walls please open your eyes and read. Our ability to response to threats from the government has been greatly affected in an unusual way as we now act like sheep and the government our Sheppard. That’s what the choice will be. Are we Cameroonians really willing to let this illness fall on our kids? Are we really willing to transfer the burden to the next generation? These are the questions Cameroonians need to ask themselves. And I’m hopeful they’ll change their minds. Because the Cameroonians people have worked too hard for too long to see everything they’ve built undone by the regime recklessness. I believe we should work together to get those students release within the shortest time possible. I also believe we should do it in a balanced way –And it requires Cameroonians to meet together to resolve the problem. That’s what our children expect from us. And that’s what they deserve. We Cameroonians can copy example from Senegal where the president tries to change the constitution and was voted out of office and today they are benefiting from major roads constructions from the US. We just need young Cameroonians to come around. Because we need their help to finish the job of bringing about change in Cameroon in a smart way that doesn’t hurt our country or cripple our economy. After all, as we learned from the mistakes of the 1990s, nothing can stop us if we stand together and fight for a single course like one and indivisible nation. This has to be our driving focus. Equipping our young people with the skills required to carry out this change- that we all have to work together. Making sure our hard work leads to the change we are seeking to achieve. I will finally concluded that it is a shame that with all the human rights lawyers as the claim in Cameroon none is saying anything as concern the release of those students but all they know is to submit bogus projects to foreign embassies for training workshops I am call on all foreign embassies in Cameroon to only sponsored projects from groups and lawyers that are pro active in defending human rights in Cameroon. This call goes especially to the US embassy. Thanks. Very much and have a great weekend Interim Head of Change J.A.M
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 12:23:40 +0000

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