LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTONOMY, A TASK THAT MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED. AN OPEN LETTER TO NIGERIA 36 STATES HOUSES OF ASSEMBLY. BY DEACON LANRE ANIFOWOSE, CHAIRMAN, IGBEMO GENERAL ASSEMBLY (I.G.A.), LAGOS. My People, “There are two people that cannot be forgotten in a Nation, those who turn a Nation to a forest through unproductive life style and those who turn a forest to a Nation by being productive” The recently amended 1999 constitution that gives Administrative and Financial Autonomy to Local Government in Nigeria is a welcome development. In fact it is long overdue going by the way the States Government has been handling the affairs of the Local Government since the democratic dispensations. The National Assembly should be commended for taking this bold step aimed at seeing to the plight of the common man at the Local Government Level. It’s worrisome to discover that some Governors have started the gang up against this amendment because of their ulterior motives. According to them, the Autonomy is not in tandem with the yearnings of the people. This is total fallacy and absolute nonsense without any iota of truth. The advantages of this autonomy outweigh the disadvantages in terms of economic and political development of the grass root. Majority of these Governors have been handling the affairs of the Local Government the way to suit their political and financial purposes. They refused to conduct Local Government Elections for four years instead they appoint their stooges as caretaker committees and they remove them at will without recourse to the rural dwellers. The funds meant for Local Government are diverted to the state Government account and only stipends are released to their caretaker stooges to pay Local Government Staff. These stooges Caretaker chairmen/committee cannot execute any developmental project in the Local Government area. In some States, the Caretaker Chairmen/Committees were been changed every six months. This is very bad for the development of the local areas. Now ask me what could these Caretaker Chairmen/Committees do in terms of economic and political developmental within just six months tenure? We cannot continue like this hence this change is inevitable and must be effected. It will be a suicidal mission and a dis-service to the people if the state houses of assembly dance to the tune of these Governors as per the passing of and ratification of the amendment which the National Assembly has already done. It’s therefore very essential to give the bill an accelerated passage to enable Nigerians at the grass root have direct dividends of democracy from the third tier of Government. The people should watch out for any assembly that refused to pass the bill into law. We can assure you that this singular bill shall have effect on the 2015 General Elections. The populace shall be mobilized to vote against any party or individual that refuses to support this amendment in their respective states. Most worrisome and unpalatable is the facts that people whom we thought should be the advocates for the masses and the grass root are quoted to be adding their voice against this autonomy. I used to know him as an activist and a crusader for the common man since our days in Afenifere Renewal Group, Lagos as our General Secretary. He was quoted by the punch newspaper as saying that “Local Government autonomy is not in tandem with the principles of Federalism”. He is entitled to his personal opinion just like any other Nigerians. “But, We should note that it is better to be alone than to live in perpetual slavery”. The third tier of Government that is The Local Government, has been in slavery under the bondage of the State Government for too long and its time for the liberation. However, the followings are just few of the Merits of Local Government Autonomy if implemented 1. The functions of the Government as contained on fourth Schedule section seven (7) of the 1999 constitution shall be overhauled and tailored towards the economic and political advancement of the rural area. 2. The link and interface that exists overtime between the National Assembly and the various states Assembly shall be extended to the Legislative arm of the various Local Government areas for a harmonious relationship. 3. The Elected Local Administrators shall be more conscious in the Financial and Administrative management of the Local Government because they will be directly accountable to the people. 4. The People at the grass root can adequately monitor projects and other ventures embark upon by the Local Government Administrators because of the direct link and accessibility. 5. Their shall be no hiding place for The Elected Local Administrators not to meet the aspirations of the people within the council area as most of them hide under the excuses that the State Government has not released Funds as we have presently since the money shall come directly to them from the Federation account. 6. It shall enhance and improve infrastructural development and rapid transformation of the rural areas which shall in turn reduce rural-urban migrations. 7. It shall encourage Local contractors to partake actively in the building and restructuring of the local Government projects thereby creating employment for the rural dwellers. 8. As a result of the closeness to the people coupled with the financial and administrative autonomy, Farmers, Artisan, Traders etc can benefit directly from the Local Government Funds by means of Cooperative & Thrift societies. 9. The local government residents can organize protest to the LG headquarters if the need arises because of its closeness to the people. 10. It will gear up the Local Government authorities to expand the scope of their Internally Generated Revenue to enable them have more funds for their capital and recurrent expenditures. 11. It shall bring healthy developmental competition among the Local Governments in a particular state of Geographical area. 12. Since the Local Government officials are to be elected by the people within the area, they will not do anything that will jeopardize their future political careers. 13. They shall be mandated to hold regular town hall meetings with the people where they shall give periodical accounts of their stewardship. 14. Above all the Governance of the Local Government shall be closer and loyal to the people at the grass root and not to the Governors or state Government as we have presently. In any case, the only De merit that any body cay brings out is the issue of autonomy is Corruption but come to think of it, the present system is more corrupt because the Governors divert these Local Government funds to do whatever they like without any challenger because the Local Government Chairmen are put there by them. This makes the Governors more corrupt than what you can imagine. Other milestone amendments worthy of commendation includes; removal of the power to conduct Local Government Election from the State Independent Electoral Commission and vested the responsibility on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and the independent candidacy to contest an election without any affiliation to any political party. The Governors unilaterally dissolves elected Local Government authorities without making adequate provisions to conduct elections before the current tenure expirations for proper transition thereby creating vacuum for stooges Caretaker committees. If the Presidency does not have any constitutional power to dismantle State structures, then it was therefore absolutely wrong and defective for the 1999 constitution to have vested on the State Government such powers as to dismantling of Local Government structures in their respective state. Local Government Elections should be conducted by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) along side with other elections at a stretch with same tenure of four years as we have presently with the President and the State Governors. These shall make the various elections more unique, credible and acceptable to the people and be devoid of manipulations. To Nigerians, after all said and done, the only way we can have meaningful development in this country is to elect people that has the interest of the people at heart with rightful skills to every elective positions at all levels without which we can not have the Nigeria of our dream. Remember that an individual can not give what he or she does not have. Once again, let’s support the Local Government Administrative and Financial Autonomy to its full implementation for a rapid transformation of the rural dwellers. Please note that Nigeria will develop only when the rural communities are developed. Our destiny is in our hands God Bless The Federal Republic of Nigeria. Thanks. +234-810-0004-8148
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 09:11:10 +0000

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