**LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENTS TRACKING ALL RESIDENTS EVERYWHERE THEY GO & CREATING DATABASES OF THEIR ACTIVITIES.** After everything we know about the govt simply LYING about what they save, store, share or sell, who here REALLY believes that the govt is destroying this information after six months? What a crock of CRAP. This is illegal, unconstitutional & smacks of COMMUNISM. They know where you bank, where you shop, where you live, what church you attend, how much you give them, how much money you make, how many kids you have, what doctors you see, who you call, what you say, how many emails you send & to whom. AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARENT RIOTING IN THE STREETS? What happened to us? We were the only free people in the WORLD. And we sold our liberty for a welfare check & a RIDICULOUSLY naive idea that the govt would keep us safe. dailycaller/2014/04/14/virginia-cops-constantly-photograph-random-peoples-license-plates/
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 18:22:45 +0000

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