LOCAL STATE OF FLORIDA THING.......LETS GET BUSY GUYS WE NEED TO TAKE CARE OF THIS..... Alerts are going to start coming on a regular basis through session, and it is very important that you take time to read them, act on them and pass them on to your family and friends. This Action Alert covers a very important bill, please make your calls to the committee members before this Thursday! TheTeaPartyNetwork.org Action Alert - SB 344 Red Light Camera Bill Action Alert from Paul Henry SB 144, the Senate red light camera repeal bill, will be heard by the Senate Transportation Committee on Thursday March 20, 2014 at 9:00 AM in Senate Office Building Room 37 (the basement). I will be there to speak in favor of the bill. It is essential this bill pass this committee, otherwise it will die. If you are able to attend the committee meeting in support of this bill, please do so. If you are unable to do so, please contact the legislative staff as listed below and tell them it is time for the red light camera scheme in Florida to be repealed. The camera scheme law has saddled us with a guilty until excused statute, and created kangaroo courts that further stack the deck against vehicle owners. Please tell the staff that you oppose turning law enforcement into a for-profit scheme. Finally, the recent legislative staff (OPPAGA) report documented over 1100 additional crashes at camera scheme intersections. Note that local camera scheme users have failed to provide crash data to the state for the annual report or the OPPAGA report. What are they hiding? Note that if you contact a sponsor or co-sponsor (Sens. Brandes and Evers on this committee), all you need do is thank them for their work against the red light camera scheme. 2014 Senate Transportation Committee Senator Senator’s Aide & Tel # Email Address Sen. Brandes (BILL SPONSOR) Chris Spencer 850-487-5022 [email protected]; Sen. Evers (CO-SPONSOR) Dave Murzin 850-487-5002 [email protected]; Sen. Margolis Terri Jo Kennedy 850-487-5035 [email protected]; Sen. Diaz de la Portilla Patricia Gosney 850-487-5040 [email protected]; Sen. Garcia David Marin 850-487-5038 [email protected]; Sen. Joyner Randi Rosete 850-487-5019 [email protected]; Sen. Lee Douglas Roberts 850-487-5024 [email protected]; Sen. Richter Michael Nachef 850-487-5023 [email protected]; Sen. Thompson Roosevelt Holmes 850-487-5012 [email protected]; God bless, Sharon Glass Public Awareness Coordinator Santa Rosa Tea Party Patriots meetup/Santa-Rosa-Tea-Party-Patriots/ The Tea Party Network - Vice Chair theteapartynetwork.org
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 04:23:59 +0000

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