LOGAN BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN.. By Evan, aka BB4Life Rick has - TopicsExpress


LOGAN BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN.. By Evan, aka BB4Life Rick has really gotten himself in a pickle hasn’t he? Rick continues to push the Logan version of Forrester creations via HFTF (PS – that HAS to be a shout out the fans’ constant acronym) and Brooke’s Bedroom Line. While there is indeed certain success in those lines and a future if marketed appropriately, Rick continues to live in the stone age in terms of branding, marketing, and visibility. Thomas and Thorne bring that fresh vision to the table – a way to keep the old Forrester and bring it into a fresh future. They are exactly what the company needs and Rick is trying to fake his way out of it. Rick clearly admitted that Caroline is the one up to all of these designs and new marketing. In other words, on paper, it is a position he seemed ready for whereas in reality, he is not fit for the bill. His inability to do the job is catching up with him. Maybe if he and Caroline had spent more time focusing on their high paying jobs than their personal lives, Forrester and their positions would be in a much more secure place. Speaking of such a relationship, Rick and Maya had a spark together from the beginning that Rick and Caroline didn’t have. Suddenly, it seems that is being lost. Caroline was too crazy, Rick was too slimy, and now Maya and Carter are holding secrets. All of the ingredients are there for this to be a good soap story. You have four formidable actors playing the roles – but something just isn’t fitting. Carter should be sizzling with Maya, I should care deeply about what Rick and Maya have, and I should have strong feelings about this outcome. At this point though, I still don’t really care. I am bored with it and just want a result to move on from. I honestly don’t know what the problem is with the story line, but I hope it is fixed because I still believe the potential is there for high drama and romance. This s/l, in my opinion, can really set the stage for whether Maya, Carter, and Caroline will become more important characters to the history of this soap or whether they will join the list of characters that came and went. And then… Brill. It boggles my mind that this couple is starting to gain the popularity it has over the last few weeks. I know many will disagree with me, but I still hold that the reason for it is the reason Steam is the most popular couple of the last two years. KKL and JMW play dynamic characters that people either love or love to hate and both actresses have chemistry with everyone they are with, no matter how poor the male character. KKL and JMW can give credence to a couple that shouldn’t have any. Even with that, I find Brill disgusting. There is no way around it – no matter how much they try and whitewash this couple and give them a reason to be together, it flat out doesn’t hold. Brooke is still the Slut from the Valley and her lack of growth is embarrassing. Brooke holds a certain level of popularity because of KKL and I don’t see that fading entirely, but I think Brooke is going lose a lot of the “independents” that Hope lost in the last year or so. Brooke, Rick, and Hope have only the die-hard Logan fans left. The Lope fans are only a small segment of Hope fans who want to see Steffy burn and think of Lope’s affair as some payback. Lope as a fan base and a formidable super couple is dead – there is no hiding from that, it’s over. Their happiness is a subplot in the stories of Hott and Steam long-term. The independents and middle ground fans are starting to pull for Katie, Quinn, Thomas, Thorne, and Steffy. That is where the current majority lies. Bill and Liam have become pawns in the Logan vs anti-Logan fan feuds. Steffy will be back in November/December by all indicators – I am hoping it is with a vengeance. Add Steffy to the mix again and Lope and Brill frankly don’t stand a chance in business and personal matters – Steffy is too powerful of a force. Until next time, stay Bold and Beautiful… And sit back and watch while the Logan bridge comes falling down. bbuniverse.net/2013/08/22/logan-bridge-is-falling-down/
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 08:05:49 +0000

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