LONG BUT FUNNY (This happened many years ago... Enjoy) Late in - TopicsExpress


LONG BUT FUNNY (This happened many years ago... Enjoy) Late in 1994, an 87 year old man died in a village close to Amai, Kwale, Delta State. The late mans grand son, Ufiaka (26 years old and fairly educated), was given some money and asked to travel to Agbor to buy a fine casket for his grand pas burial. Ufiaka left base early and arrived Agbor in good time to purchase the casket and make the return journey same day. He was fortunate to get an open back white colored Peugeot 404 pickup heading for Amai. He, however, had to ride in the back of the pickup with the casket because two market women traveling to Amai were already seated in front with the driver. On the home journey, they ran into a heavy rain storm close to Uronigbe and Ufiaka quickly opened the casket, lay himself nicely in the well padded interior, covered the lid and used the folded newspaper he had with him to leave a small opening between the lid and the main body of the white casket to ensure adequate ventilation. The interior of the casket was very comfortable and Ufiaka soon fell into a very deep sleep. The rain had subsided at the time the pickup van arrived at Umutu and during a brief stop there, two men traveling to Amai boarded the vehicle at the back and the same happened at Ubiaruku where a man and a woman traveling also to Amai entered the vehicle. All this while, Ufiaka was enjoying his beauty sleep inside the Casket completely unaware of the new passengers who boarded at Umutu and Ubiaruku. The pickup van arrived Amai just after 5p.m. and the driver, who was now very hungry, stopped in front of a busy bukataria to have a quick bite before proceeding onto the next village. The sudden stoppage and reviving of the pickups engine woke Ufiaka who then opened the lid of the casket and rose up. Trouble come start! The passengers in the back of the pickup jumped out of the vehicle from various points and took to their heels in various directions. The people eating in the buka (including the mama-put and her service girls) who saw the white casket open, and a ghost step out, ran off all over the place some with balls of eba and akpu in their hands. Ufiaka, seeing people running helta skelta was convinced that armed robbers were operating and decided to take-off in the direction three of the passengers, including the woman, were running. When the three passengers realized that Ufiaka was running towards them, they increased their speed and shouted ghost! ghost!ghost! and, to further worsen the situation, Ufiaka was dressed in white up and down with white shoes to match that day. With the shouting of ghost, other people in their homes came out to see what was going on and on seeing people running at high speed all over, they joined in the race for their dear life and the number just swelled. The driver and the two market women were the only people who knew what was on going and they had a hell of a time calming the people down and explaining that … he merely needed shelter, while it was raining. If you where there, what would you have done? LikePls be sincere,How will u grade your FATHER in your life? A1=Excellent B2=very Good B3=Good C4=Credit C5=pass C6=Average D7=Weak Mine is c6. Oya make we go now! A famous & a rich man of God hanged a very dirty & torn shirt in a corner of his church. It was so disgusting that the numerous members of his church murmered abt it all the time. The congregation neva liked the sight of the dirty shirt in the corner but they neva mustered the courage to talk about it. Then one day, a little girl came to the church with her mother; she saw the shirt but as little children behave, she couldnt keep her feelings to herself...as the pastor was busily preaching the little girl stood up and shouted at the top of her voice: pastor, what is that dirty shirt doing in that corner? The whole place became very quiet because everybody wanted to hear what the pastor would have to say about it. The finally, the pastor said: I thank God for these day...and thank you child because non of the congregation here has been able to ask me about the shirt though I know they neva liked it. Well, itz all about how my life was before God made me what I am today. To make it short, I wore that shirt for 28 years of my life...I ate from the refuse because that was where food was free for me. And that shirt has been my testimony to tell the broken hearted that God will reach to them now, and that their troubles are over... Now, may the hand that type Amen to that neva lack anything...and their troubles and problems solved right now...! BREAKING NEWS!!! There is another plane crash and this morning nobody survived. As the news brought to us, below are the list of the passengers in the plane (1). your problems (2). your shame (3). your sorrows (4). your failure (5). your tears (6). your sickness (7). your weakness (8). your pains (9). your struggles (10). and all your haters. Do not worry about their corpse because nothing can be traced about them because they all perished with the resurrection of Jesus christ. Type *AMEN* if you are the one am talking to. AMEN. Viewers Dont ignore to type Amen if believe in GOD..
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 07:38:30 +0000

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