LONG BUT TOO USEFUL: Have you ever noticed that some couples - TopicsExpress


LONG BUT TOO USEFUL: Have you ever noticed that some couples always seem to be happy and in love with each other like teenagers, while others struggle to make it through their relationship and don’t know how to get back the sparkle they had when they first met? Let’s look at 10 tips on how to be happy in a relationship and discover some secrets of happy couples: 1) Communication. Yes, it sounds simple and you have, probably, heard many times: “Communication is the key”, which is absolutely true not only for couples, but also for a friendship and any kind of partnership. Happy couples communicate and they know how to express their emotions. This means that they never harbor negative thoughts or offence against each other, but they try to be honest and opened with one another, as much as possible. Communication requires both listening and talking, therefore, make sure you take time to find out what’s on your partner’s mind and heart, as well as learn to be honest and share your own thoughts openly. 2) Mutual support. Friends usually support and encourage each other, how much more partners in a couple should be one another’s fortress and strength. Happy couples believe in each other and give one another support. Hug your partner when he feels down, encourage him with sincere words of kindness. Let him know that you are on his side and you care…You will see your relationship flourish and grow stronger in love. 3) Happy couples make an effort to keep the sparkle alive. Easiest and coolest things that can help you keep the sparkle alive in your relationship are date nights. It’s very easy to fall into a “grey” daily routine with your partner, start wearing pyjamas and comfy clothes, start neglecting the way you look, etc. Date nights, at least, once a week, when you dress up, go out, have some fun, giggle and find adventures for the two of you can add “colors” to your relationship, reminding you how it all started out. Make this time for both of you alone, away from cats and dogs, work and all distractions. Also, remember to compliment your partner often. 4) Treasure your partner and never take each other for granted. It’s very easy to fall into the trap of taking your partner for granted. Make sure you count blessings that your partner brought into your life, be appreciative and grateful. Treasure each other and let your partner know how happy his/her presence makes you every day! 5) Touching each other. Partners in a happy couple touch each other very often throughout the day… It might sound strange, but according to many researches and statistics, happy couples touch and kiss each other a lot more often, than those couples that fell into the dark valley of divorce. A kind, tender touch is one of the languages of love… Never pass by your partner without lovingly touching them; you can touch their shoulder, their back or tenderly kiss them on the cheek, thus, giving your partner appreciation and expressing love. 6) Learn to forgive and forget quickly. Happy couples, definitely, learned to master this skill, they forgive and forget easily and quickly, because they value their relationship and know how much harm the poison of unforgiveness can cause. Therefore, never go to sleep angry with one another, learn to forgive and forget promptly and easily, if you want your relationship to flourish into a beautiful garden of Eden. 7) Don’t neglect “me” time. When you have a partner and you spend most of your time together, it’s very easy to start neglecting things that nourish you personally, things like your hobbies, your passions, your favorite books and movies that you still, actually, enjoy. Therefore, partners in happy couples usually have some personal space or “me”time, where they can nourish their passions and grow as a person. This will only enrich your relationship and help you both feel happier. Never try to change your partner. Remember the person with whom you fell in love. It was this exact person, your partner and, at the time, you’ve been fully and completely satisfied and in love, you didn’t want to change a thing about them. Why start changing your partner now? Anyway, it never works. If the person can ever change is when he decides to do so, but you can’t obtain positive results by forcing your partner into something. Instead, learn to bring out the best in them and look for ways you can make your partner happy. If both partners do so, your relationship will blossom and be strong forever. By this, I don’t mean that you shouldn’t encourage improvement. It’s always great to motivate your partner for growth in various areas and encourage his/her improvement. 9) Happy couples giggle and laugh a lot. Humor and laughter can not only be beneficial for your health and well-being, as well as it can, even, prolong your life, according to some researches, but also a good and frequent giggle with your partner can make your relationship last. Therefore, take time to giggle and play together. Make each other laugh. 10) Trust and respect. Trust and respect are the two powerful pillars of beautiful and stable relationship (standing next to the big and the most important pillar which is love). When I say trust, I mean mutual trust and honesty. Make sure you openly talk about anything and share all things without wavering. Never make your partner doubt your love and respect for them. Make him/her feel confident and happy and, if you both live this way, your relationship will be happy and strong. I hope you found it useful. Please feel free to share your own tips on how to be happy in a relationship in the comment’s section below. Stay happy and smile often!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 08:59:50 +0000

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