LONG POST INCOMING. Seems like todays Nintendo Direct was all - TopicsExpress


LONG POST INCOMING. Seems like todays Nintendo Direct was all about unexpected surprises. Unexpected surprises to inconvenience you and your wallet. Oh yeah you know that thing you know you wanted but havent started saving money for yet? Of well it comes out in a month kthxbye. Anyway lets get to it, my recommendation for the New 3DS XL: dont get one at launch. If you already have a 3DS, theres absolutely no reason to get one yet. No new exclusive games were announced for it, Xenoblade Chronicles wont be out til April. If you really want to have full control of the camera in Majoras Mask and Monster Hunter you can just get the Circle Pad Pro accessory for you current 3DS model and just use that. Its certainly a lot cheaper. Screw Nintendos unexpected surprise launch. Just wait, especially if youre like me and want a standard model. Speaking of unexpected surprise launches, Majoras Mask 3D is out the same day as the New 3DS, February 13th. Much earlier than I expected, which is a problem for me cause I wanted to play through Ocarina of Time 3D before it came out but hadnt set aside time to do it yet. Welp, guess Im going to be playing Ocarina of Time 3D soon! Ill just get through it bit by bit over the next month, but new releases are going to be starting up again soon so I gotta do some juggling. But why bother with new games when I could play OLD games!? Jokes aside I am very excited that original Wii games are now going digital. Best of all they can be launched from the Wii Us normal menu instead of having to go into original Wii mode. Makes me feel less bad about buying a 2TB external hard drive for my Wii U. Now I have something to use the space for. Hopefully the games stay cheap. Remember the upcoming first 3 games will be 50% off for the first week, Ill definitely be getting all 3. I already have Super Mario Galaxy 2 but a digital copy for $10 is a damn steal. Im also loving that Metroid Prime Trilogy will be one of the first games, its a giant FU to Gamestop for over-inflating the price of their used copies. Im also loving that the next Mario vs Donkey Kong game will finally have cross buy like many Playstation digital games do. I dont play the Mario vs Donkey Kong games but this is a step in the right direction. Im so annoyed that if I wanted to play Shantae and the Pirates Curse on Wii U that I would have to buy it again. If the game is on both hardware then you should be able to buy it ONCE and be able to play it on both. And the things I really hated about todays Direct? Free 2 Play Pokemon game with my most despised money grubbing mechanic, the recharge timer!? UUUGGGGHHHHHH!!!! WHY!? And why the heck does Codename STEAM get a Majoras Mask pin as a pre-order bonus when it has nothing to do with Zelda!? Anyway thats my thoughts. Dont buy the New 3DS at launch!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 02:39:01 +0000

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