*LONG RANT* So I had a first year yoga festival this summer for - TopicsExpress


*LONG RANT* So I had a first year yoga festival this summer for months string me and my flow partner along to fire perform or just do LED performances for a ~major~ musical act. I was adamant that we would need to be compensated for a fire show simply because it would cost me a lot to do it otherwise, but that Id be willing to work something out for an LED show. I do have some experience performing at a few festivals/shows but not much photo evidence of doing it, so my terms were: free access to some yoga classes at the event for one day, some professional photos of our performance made available to me afterwards, and links to our website/info on their website and marketing materials. They said a okay and we confirmed the date, took time off work, and started working on costumes/routines. When we got their contract I asked that they add our terms and all of the sudden they started acting funny, not responding to emails/calls, or only giving vague replies that didnt involve doing what I asked -__- Then I got this bizarre email from her telling us we couldnt actually take the classes they offered to us. At this point in reading I was like well that blows, but I was still willing to do it, then she said something like we only wanted you to do this if you could see the value and honor in being able to perform with [musical act] so at this point were going to pass, and maybe we can try again next year when theres room in the budget. I was really confused at this point because I think me seeing the value in doing this was extremely apparent otherwise I wouldnt have offered to do it for free. I was enthusiastic and friendly in all of our exchanges, and I didnt feel my requests were difficult to accommodate and if they were I wouldve been open to hearing what they had to say about it. I sent as professional of an email as I could muster back saying I was disappointed and unclear as to why they were calling it off, because I DO see the value in it, we were okay with taking other classes, etc. She never responded. So Im wondering, is there something I could have done differently? My mom owns a yoga studio that is involved with this fest so I feel like they *might* approach me again after the holidays, but maybe wont want to now. Should I try to reach out to them again? Do you think its worth swallowing my aggravation? Obviously I wont offer to do this for free a second time, but it still is a great opportunity.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:38:47 +0000

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