LONG STORY BUT WORTH IT ~~~God has a way of slowly bringing you - TopicsExpress


LONG STORY BUT WORTH IT ~~~God has a way of slowly bringing you full circle to a Revelation... One Sunday something was said at church that did not sit right with me (there was nothing wrong with what was said) but I let that feeling drive me out of church. I Left with the intention of driving home and shutting down all Im doing on line. I felt bad cause I had come to worship and give praise so I stopped at the park in town. I got out sat at a bench and prayed and read my Bible for just about an half hour. I got sleepy just drained feeling so me being me I laid on the park bench and fell asleep daring somebody to wake me. I woke up 20 minuets later and the first thing I thought of was a Revival I went to when I was in a boys home at 12. I thought about Christ making himself known in my life there. I also thought about all the horrible stuff that I went through in that boys home that sent me running. I got up grabbed my Bible and notes and headed to get a Dr.Pepper. Payed for my DP Still thinking about the revival and the boys home. I come out the gas station and heard music coming from the church next door. I had never been there and figured it should be about over , maybe I can catch the altar. I walked in to about 8 people worshiping and giving praise to the Lord. I quickly sat in the back row and began Praying as not to disturb those that were up front. But I could not get MYpastors voice outta my head saying there is just something special about taking it to the altar. so I got up and did just that. I prayed ,to me at the time, the corniest prayer of all~ God please give me a sign. Am I on the right path ? Give me a sign lord !! The pastor come and did what any good pastor would do and come laid hands on the thuggish looking guy that come in his church 10 min til service was over. I stayed after and told my story to that pastor. He give me some insight and kinda rubbed me the wrong way as well. (again this is just me) so I respectfully parted ways ~ still with no sign from God. I got home opened my FB and posted I will not be answering my msg tonight. My apologies. Well about an hour later I got a msg from a lady Iv never met who added me on FB due to reading my Testimony a week or so before. She said Hey Damon, I was wondering if you want to go to Revival tonight ?? I stared at the screen dumb founded I believe. Then came the second msg. I dont know why Im asking . Something deep down inside told me to. just following orders. i quickly replied I will be there !! I have to go !!! ~~~ SIGN FROM GOD !!!! So I drove to that Revival The preacher spoke of keeping your eye off man and on God. He also spoke of seeing a need that nobody around you is on then get on it. He also spoke of being called into ministry does not mean come in as cookie cut out. God wants to use you for you. He was awesome. On fire and lit up. So I was surprised at the end when he called for salvation or rededicctions nobody got up. So he says WELL, does anybody feel lead here tonight into ministries ? Somebody that God wants to use for who they are ? Somebody that sees a need just for them ? I almost ran to the man !!! ~~~~ I was saved in that boys home and I put my eyes on man and off God. I was lead a stray and lived a horrible life. I almost let it happen again. My sign from God took me back to a Revival where God first made himself known. I went there knowing he was going to do it again. Here I sit with my path still before me ...... Full circle Revelation Lesson Learned !!!!!!! Never take your eye off God !!!!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 23:26:57 +0000

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