LOOK AT THIS FAKE LOVER Hello my beloved Friend,. How are you - TopicsExpress


LOOK AT THIS FAKE LOVER Hello my beloved Friend,. How are you today?, l hope you are fine. i am your beloved Grace indeed,your corresponding has shown me that you are the real person which my soul has been desiring for a long time, really,i am bored since my living in this bad environment, i am using Reverend Father Emmanuel George office computer in in (St John Catholic Church). i am living under United Nations Refugee Authority as a refugee after my step fathers funeral. Moreover, i want to tell you more about me.it is very painful in my soul to tell you that i am an orphan, i dont no my biological father or my mother but Mr Barnabas Dabor from Liberia picked me from motherless babies home and brought me up, but unfortunately, he died on 10th August 2005 after brief illness, now, i am wandering without any helper after his death,truly, the life has been so difficult to me because of the hatred from their family, the misfortune made me to ran away out of the country to take asylum here in Senegal living under United Nations Refugee Authority as a refugee because their family pushed me out of their home and conspired to kill me because of Mr Barnabas WILL on his property but God said No that i will be alive today. Meanwhile, after his death, his lawyer called me and gave me a WILL which Mr Barnabas wrote to my name, according to his WILL he deposited ( $9.4 MILLION Dollars) at one of the international banks out side the country. so, when their family discovered such amount of money in my name by their brother, they was angry and conspired together to kill me and to destroy my life so that they will take back their brothers inheritance but God said no. secondly, the country Liberia is attacked my rebels, the rebels are killing people every day and rapping young beautiful ladies every where, so, their is very big problem in the country by the rebels. so i decided to ran way to here in Senegal to stay as a refugee with the documents because i dont have any where else to go and i dont want to lose my life. Truly,my life has been so ridiculous, there is no food to eat, no good water to drink,the oxygen we are breathing is polluted because of bad environment.so, I have made the Bank to be aware of Mr Barnabas Dabor death and my plans to recover the inheritance.but the bank refused because of my refugee statues saying that it is against their bank law to deal business with some one in captivity like refugee. so the bank advised me to find a free person, husband or business partner that will stand as my trustee with them in other for them to transfer the money to his account for the person to help me, base on the above explanations, i will like you to stand on my behalf as my trustee at the bank to enable the bank transfer the $9.4 Dollars( Nine Million Four Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ) to your account so that you can withdraw some money from it and send to me to pay my refugee freedom dues, gather my traveling documents to come and meet you over there or you can come down here to see me face to face and then i go back with you or you finance or sponsor my coming to meet you at your country on your own expense so that we can stay together before we start the transaction. Nevertheless,it is my solemn pleasure to tell you all these secrete, do not say i dont know you or you dont know me,our relationship is a divine connection because God want to increase your financial capacity through an orphan like me and if God touches your heart to consider my bad condition despite the inheritance involve, then you can help me with all your heart because you are doing it for God and not human been, so,i gave you this offer out of faith and trust from the deep of my heart hoping that you will not betray me and my ambition is that when the money gets to your account, you will help me to invest in all kinds of business in your country according to your recommendation.if you marry me you will be in control of all our investments but if you refuse to marry me, i will map out 25% for the good work and trust confounded in you after the transaction.Therefore, make sure that you keep this secrete to yourself only ,i dont want to loss my life and the money because this place i am living with my documents is not safe, finally, i will like you to call me direct through this Telephone number(+221-763-935-408) ( 00221-763-935-408 ) so that i will speak with you to hear your voice and you are free to contact me from 10 am to 6 pm evening . To assure me that you will not betray me in this transfer,mostly when this money enter to your position . For you to take me as your sister or even wife as Im still single and welcome me into your life as i dont have anybody in this whole world any more. With the assurance given after going through this mail, then you send me your information FIELD THE INFORMATION BELOW Your Full Names ..........Telephone Number....... Your Occupation.......... Your Age...... ..... Your Resident Country ........ Address....... Email Address..... and your photo ....... I will then use them and write the official letter to the bank in other for them to contact you to transfer the money into your account, i will give you the contact of the finance bank and the account details so that you will as well for you to contact them directly in regard of the transfer. make sure you take good care of yourself while waiting to hear a positive from you soon. With all my love, Miss Grace.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 19:33:21 +0000

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