LOOK OUT!, WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE..AGAIN!, GET OUR FEAR NAPPY!.. Well, here we go again..folks.. EBOOOOOLLLALALLALALALALALALALLLALLLALLALLLAAAAAA!. FEAAAAAAAAAAAR!.. Breathe..and now lets look at the facts.. , Mellinium Bug [you know a bug that causes ALL the computers in the world to crash, causing massive finanmnnacial chaos, from the super advanced computurds, not being able to cope with, ...wait for it!, the extra..digit..yep, that actually happened, and a worldwide panic set in..nothing happened..costing billions. SARS, the world was going to die from a mysterious Virus, that started in a Hong Kong apartment complex..with all the people having the same symptoms... A world wide panic set in, slowly but surely the panic subsided, and....nothing happenend costing billions [it was actually caused by a leaking sewer pipe in the apartments] Swine Fluuuuu, mark 1 [1977]..then mark 2 recently.. A flu that effects pigs, was let loose on the wolrrrd, world wide panic set in, and millions of pigs chickens, animals where slaughtered..it was a virus that effected..pigs..apparently..later it was found that millions of pigs were slaughtered, in CASE they got the Swine Flu, remember, people are people, pigs are pigs, and if you keep pigs in confined spaces, and feed them rubbish, do you think they would get ..sick..so the Swine flu, that is only for Swines[maybe a few banksters]..didnt really happen at all,,,and again, nothing happenend[costing billions] And dont forget the Bovine Virus, that effected the entire population of Englands cattle, that was supposed to go to humans, the ENTIRE english cattle population was destroyed, costing billions..nothing happened.. AIDS, Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.. ... A bunch of dieseassses are grouped together to form Immune deficiency, and a Virus, the AIDS one, never eventuates, 20-30 top micro biologists ask to see the AIDS syndrome virus, but none is forthcoming, 25 years later after asking to see the virus, no virus for the Syndrome has appeared,[ plenty of CGI nerd generated ones have though, about 20 different images have been produced so far... Billions of people are supposed to have died, but the only ones are people in Africa, with no food, starving to death, [kinda of like the pigs..treatment]..with malnutrition induced disease and dictators supported by western bankers...[and thousands in the west with drug taking and lifestyle related illnesses..and AZT, that killed thousands as a cancer drug, before being switched to Syndrome people, which actually had a skull and cross bone on the bottle..warning that taking it, can cause..death.. costing trillions, ongoing..still waiting to see the Virus, anyone got a good graphics card?..we can just knock one up..yippee! BIRD FLEW IN, and the truth, flew.out[my title from years ago, with this Flew..] A disease that effects birds, primarily lousily treated battery hens, is coming, going to kill millions, the bird Flew is coming..people not birds, primarily battery hens, panic, we are all going to dieeeeeee!@@@@.. Nothing happens..millions of birds are killed, costing billions.. Ebola comes and goes, Africa, again, an outbreak appears, just downstream from a chemical plant, that pours its waste chemicals into the surrounding environment, and pollutes local food and water supplies, local poor people get mysteriouslegionsss on their bodies[ kind of like the battery pigs and chickens].. and Ebola mark 3-4 I think appears again..costing billions..African people are super human, their young babies can breathe acid fumes, drink oily water, and eat chemical laced processed foods, and have beautiful vitality and no lesions or illnesses..[they all are given a cape upon birth, to prepare themselves to survive the Super living conditions in dictatorial western controlled Africa..nothing will happen Lets talk about the Cold War, that went on for 50 years, that you know the Russians were going to destroy the world, and kill us all, that cost trillions[funny, the Russians traded in the international markets, using the same dollar to trade with, that they were supposed to want to destroy, and had our movies translated into Russian, wore Nikes, Adidas, etc....nothing happenend..now they are just a little angry..not reaaaally angry..now..just in case we need another fear thing.. Then we have Osama, you know that guy who President Ubuto the president of Pakistan, stated in an interview with David Frost, that OSama was killed in 2002 by an assassin, and if you look it up, actually died, 11 times...and of course, jahis body was thrown out of a helicopter at sea in line with Muslim tradition, actually, Muslim tradition doesnt say that at all..and ALL the Seal team that got Osama, was mysteriously killed in a helicopter, crash..2 weeks after getting osama, wonder what they would of eventually..said..training exercise..maybe And on the FBI website he wasnt even a supect for nine eleven, I am not even going to bother going into that one..WMDS anyone, record heroin output Afghanistan anyone, only 18000 tonnes per year, cant catch old farmers with horses and carts ploughing poppy fields..yippppeee! I really look forward to the next episode of Fear..the ones before have been really funny, like the Sandy Hook comedy, and Boston Bombing Joax, and all the other comedies, that Fear Inc provide for us on a daily basis..below is John Rappoports breakdown of the Blobola..over to you John..great article Bookmark the permalink. Death doesn’t =someone’s opinion about death Oct8 by Jon Rappoport Death doesn’t=someone’s opinion about death by Jon Rappoport October 8, 2014 NoMoreFakeNews “I saw people die of HIV.” No. You saw people die. Doctors said they had HIV. “I saw people die from Ebola.” No you didn’t. You saw people die. You yourself have no idea what killed them. You can pretend you know, but you don’t. “The doctors know what kills people.” You win a gold star for your faith. You’re now a fully-fledged member of the Church of Biological Mysticism. People who see other people die often assume they know why it happened. Certainly, when it comes to viruses, they don’t have a clue. They’re sure they know. That doesn’t make them right. A parent’s healthy son returns from the doctor’s office, saying he just found out he’s HIV-positive. He tells his mother the doctor has put him on AZT. Three weeks later, the boy folds up, can’t get out of bed. He’s so weak he can hardly move. The doctor says, “HIV has spiraled out of control. It’s full-blown AIDS. He must continue taking his AZT.” Three months later, the boy is dead. The mother says, “My son died of HIV.” Does she know that AZT, a failed chemotherapy drug, was taken off the shelf for AIDS patients, and that it mercilessly attack all cells of the body, including the immune-system cells? Of course not. As I’ve repeatedly pointed out over the past 27 years (starting with my first book, “AIDS Inc., Scandal of the Century”), covert medical ops will use death and dying to construct a false picture of the cause of death and dying. They know this strategy works, because people, seeing death, will accept what the authorities tell them caused it. I’ve often cited the groundbreaking review, “Is US health really the best in the world?” Author, Dr. Barbara Starfield, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Publisher: The Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26, 2000. Starfield concluded that, every year in the US, the medical system directly kills 225,000 people. 106,000 die as a result of medicines the FDA has approved as safe. The other 119,000 die as a result of treatment in hospitals. Add it up. That’s 2.25 million deaths per decade caused by the US medical system. Now for the question: how many of those deaths… do you think doctors…voluntarily admit…to families of the dead patients…are medically caused? I’ll tell you. None. In every case, a lie was cooked up. “I’m sorry, but the disease suddenly accelerated…” That’s 2.25 million lies per decade about the actual cause of death. But people continue to worship at the feet of doctors and medical experts. If a doctor says a patient died of virus VCX-2QK-89tf, a supposed thing the mother of the patient will never see and never have a chance of seeing…and if the doctor says he knows the patient had the virus because a diagnostic test was run on the patient…the mother will believe the doctor…even though she has absolutely no idea what kind of diagnostic test was run or whether it is accurate or even relevant. “I saw my son die of the virus.” She didn’t. But she’ll believe it. We can understand why she believes it. power outside the matrix But that doesn’t affect our judgment when we look into a virus and investigate whether it is real, whether it actually causes disease, and whether the diagnostic tests for the virus tell a true story. When you have hundreds of millions of people who assert that Ebola is killing people, you’re looking at faith. Blind faith in authorities who don’t deserve it. You’re looking at the construction of reality, which is then sold. Take this example—a farming village in Liberia, one of the so-called epicenters of Ebola. The families manage to produce enough to get by. They live downstream from a giant Firestone rubber plantation. For years, to no avail, the people of the village have been protesting the runoff of noxious elements into their water supply. Fish are dying. Crops are failing. That means malnutrition, hunger. That means chemical assault on their immune systems. People are developing sores, lesions, fevers, respiratory problems, digestive problems, including diarrhea. How easy is it to call this Ebola, in light of the current hysteria? “Everyone knows” it’s Ebola. But it isn’t. People are obsessed by the idea that a whole population, in far-off nation, under the gun, must all be suffering from One Thing—in this case, a virus. Splitting this apart into a number of different causes in different regions—contaminated water, open sewage, severe malnutrition, decimating wars, toxic vaccine campaigns, the vast overuse of antibiotics, industrial pollution—this doesn’t have the compelling ring of: “It’s a virus.” So people say, “Forget about all that. We don’t want to know about it. We know it’s a virus.” No they don’t. Jon Rappoport The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at nomorefakenews
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 14:19:32 +0000

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