LOOKING AND FEELING THE BEST THAT YOU CAN FOR LIFE. Its not all about being a Fitness fanatic or a Bodybuilder or A Swimsuit model. Its about life longevity and feeling happy feeling good and loving yourself first. Some people think Im all about Vanity and thats far from the truth. Its about always improving and being better today than you were the day before inside and out. The human factor will always remain regardless no one is free from error living and breathing at this very moment. Everday I challenge myself to reach new levels of Fitness I meditate and invision the look I want and I go make it happen aside from the daily drama of what life throws at me. Its my time to shine I made a commitment years ago to try and become the best as a natural drug free Bodybuilder to defy the normal odds that were already set against me from the very beginning of my journey. In todays society of health our children are being set up for failure not only through education but from health and Fitness. Its sad to see a younge kid at the age of 11 or 12 or even 15 and they are 50 to a hundred pounds overweight. In my opinion that is child abuse hands down. The odds are that that same child will grow up to be 100 to a 150 if not 200 pounds overweight if corrective measures are not taken to change proper eating disorders and behaviors. Heart disease, diabetes, highblood pressure, high cholesterol and thighroid disorder are all prevelent and deadly killers if preventive measures of health and Fitness are not apart of an already overweight out of shape persons schedule. This is so important for everyone to take seriously its not a joke its real. And all the supersizing and over portioning on food has done alot of this but once again alot was by personal choice as well. I wish I could do my part in helping everyone that fights this battle from day to day. My mission inlife aside from being a Fitness freak is to care and give back my success in knowledge of health and Fitness so that every single person that I know and others can look in the mirror and feel the way I do from day to day. Everyone on the planet deserves it not just the beautiful people EVERYONE! If I had one wish today I wouldnt wish for millions and riches my one single wish would be that everyone was looking and feeling the best they can for a long prosperous healthy life. Its really that simple in my very complicated life. Truth.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 00:50:26 +0000

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