LOOKING AT BOTH SIDES There is a small segment of mankind who - TopicsExpress


LOOKING AT BOTH SIDES There is a small segment of mankind who through greed and hubris would control and use others to their own ends, and who through the power they accumulate rewrite reality to reflect well upon themselves and their shenanigans, to gain favorable public opinion, and with it even more power and wealth. Two events within the last two centuries provide clear illustration of our need to look past the spin, and, learning from retrospective revelations, become aware of serious threats in our current economic and political environment. The first is a brilliantly written historical analysis of the colonization of the Congo, so gripping that one is loath to stop reading for even the most urgent of functions. King Leopolds Ghost by Adam Hochschild details the means by which King Leopold II of Belgium grabbed a huge swath of central Africa for his personal enrichment, with a tremendous toll in human life and freedom, all the while convincing the world of his self-sacrificing, humanitarian efforts. The second is portrayed in the following article and reminds us of the lengths to which unrestrained barons of business will go, and at what human cost, and their ability to sway even the government itself and the justice system. The story of George Mortimer Pullman has an eerily familiar ring to it, and sounds a warning for us today. Lets be sure we have a clear understanding of all sides of the issues when it comes time to vote, knowing that well be fed biased information by those who have the most to gain. thinkprogress.org/justice/2014/09/01/3477726/the-true-story-of-how-one-man-shut-down-american-commerce-to-avoid-paying-his-workers-a-fair-wage/
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 02:42:02 +0000

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