LOOKING AT THE MIRROR The mirror is a most powerful medium that - TopicsExpress


LOOKING AT THE MIRROR The mirror is a most powerful medium that helps us to face our darkness within. It helps to see both the dark and the light sides that we are born with. It helps us to get acquainted with our multidimensional selves. The practice of looking at oneself through the mirror is a profound part of growth towards self-realization. The fairy tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has in it a magic mirror – a reflective object that can answer any question. Truly, the mirror does answer all of our questions. It is good to look at oneself in the mirror when one is angry, when one is sad or distressed, and when one is happy. Take time to look at yourself in the mirror, and get to know and acknowledge every part and embrace all of the self with love and joy. Gazing at the mirror is a meditation in itself. It is considered to be a most profound psychic tool and has been used as such since ancient times. It brings enlightenment and spiritual awareness. It takes courage to face the mirror and see all of ourselves as we truly are. When we come into the knowing of our Self, we can rejoice and celebrate the experience for it makes us stronger and wiser. Knowing our strengths and our weakness and accepting is true power. When we do not choose to know ourselves, we live in fear. We give away our power to people on the outside to tell us their version of who we are, and we live our lives according to the whims and fancies of others. This creates confusion and crisis in life. This world is our mirror and there is no one out there; no one to please, and no one to prove to. Everything around us is a reflection of our image and even the one we consider our enemy, is actually our own reflection. Fairy tales are grand explanations of this. They show how the beast can be conquered by love, and they show the conquered beast to be one’s own self. Everything we do is an act of self-definition. Our thoughts, emotions, and words carry the energy of creation. Each moment of life is sacred and new. It carries amazing potentials and we are born to life every moment. The illusions of the mirror (the world outside) are our tools, and they were meant to help us evolve into our grander selves. The ultimate truth is that there is no separation; there is only Unity and Oneness with all things and with the Creator. The following meditations help one to realize the All is One. Meditation 1. Practice gazing at yourself in the mirror. Gaze at yourself in the mirror and imagine yourself to become the person in the mirror. Perceive yourself in the mirror looking at the real you outside the mirror. Shift your attention back into your body. Do this as many times as you can. This meditation helps us with our ability to connect with the watcher within. 2. Every night before going to sleep, close your eyes and look at your day backwards like a tape rewinding. When you come upon a difficult situation with someone, stand in that person’s place. Look at yourself from that person’s vantage point. You can now see yourself clearly as the person sees you. The person is your mirror. ~An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace (Now available as audio book also - read by me and my co-author Sheryl Lynn Christian ) Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian All rights reserved. amazon/dp/B00BSY853G amzn.to/X0XIzM
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 13:44:53 +0000

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