LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO CONTINUE THE MISSION I started ‘Mission of Success’ Learning Centre (MS-LC) Letters Patent: 413862-7 and Charitable Registration No. 89563 6504 RR0001 in 2003. The services of MS-LC are provided in the Port Union/Lawrence Avenue area in the heart of Scarborough. This is a high density populated area primarily inhabited by low income families, many of whom have recently come from other countries. MS-LC provides remedial tutoring services free of charge to students. . While no students are turned away from the programs offered by MS-LC, the primary users of our services will be the low income families who cannot afford to pay for private tutors for their children. Because of their unfamiliarity with the language and culture of Canada, it is precisely these families that are most in need of, and will be provided with, the services of MS-LC. With a lot of hard work, my tutoring centre commenced operations in November 2003. Mission of Success Learning Centre requires volunteers to teach students from grade 1 to grade 12 in the subjects of Mathematics, Science, English and French. Our typical tutors include university and college graduates, undergraduate students, and senior high school students, who require their 40 hours of community services. MS-LC is partner with University of Toronto – Bachelor of Education program (concurrent program). University supplied their students as the volunteer. I developed contacts with a wide variety of people from totally different social, religious and economic circles through growing the services of this charity. I didn’t need to go out, they actually came to me. We would share experiences, we would talk about our problems and challenges, we would even laugh about life – I suddenly had so much. The companionship I needed and sought had come into my life in other ways, my charity was truly wonderful. Opening a charity also helped me in other areas of my life, it helped me learn and understand unconditional love. Most of our students are from broken homes, too frequently when families break up continued parental connection is lost. It seems that the importance of family isnt taken to heart. The charity accepts these children and offers them care, love, acceptance, support and patience. In simple terms we just love them for being who they are, we even love the little stinkers. There are many very good people I have come to know through this tutoring centre, collectively we have found love and a real sense of community. Sometimes I feel like Im on the receiving end of the love from the community, I am given so much love, attention, caring and companionship. I realize that my work here is far more than tutoring the children; my work is a gift to the planet. The charity has dramatically improved my life and this awareness is being shared with all who come into our community. I see through my sharing with the people who support and attend our charity that they are also benefiting and there is a heightened level of their consciousness as well. Its a ripple effect; they also go out and share. My work here is to learn and share love and gratitude. We have such a wonderful place to do it! I feel its extraordinary to have been part of this community; to have created this place is very, very special. After more than ten years, I have decided that it’s time to finally hanging up my hat. Each of our lives is filled with chapters, and this chapter in my life is coming to a close. There were several occasions over the years where I considered throwing in the towel but every time I pondered doing so I receive a timely email of thanks and encouragement of the program from parents for the work being done, and that would always be enough to persuade me to remain on. I am now coming into a state of awareness. The enormous shift in today’s relationship has made it necessary for me to mature, to give myself integrity and authenticity in my relationships and for me to take complete responsibility for my life. To become an exceptional feminine woman, femininity is life and passion. It’s everything that gives feeling: light, love, colour, emotions, freedom and creativity, something that will help me to grow, become happier and more loving. Like Confucius – I must first put my family (home) in order. Confucius - around 500 BC To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right. Saying goodbye is not easy. The idea of walking away from what I’ve poured so much time, energy, and effort into for a decade is very bittersweet, but I take comfort in knowing that the torch will be passed into good hands.- Im waiting for the day in which I will pass the torch to someone – Please let me know if anyone who is interested to continue this mission
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 10:45:25 +0000

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