LOOTers! Many of you know us from our work in PlayStation Home. - TopicsExpress


LOOTers! Many of you know us from our work in PlayStation Home. Yesterday, PlayStation Home was formally announced by SCEA and SCEE for worldwide closure on March 31st, 2015. As one of Homes earliest third-party development houses, this is of course heavy news to bear. For years, we delighted in entertaining you with virtual goods and experiences that no one else could bring. The EOD. The radios. Hollywood Hills. Major IPs such as Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, Men In Black, and more. Nothing can ever replace the wonderfully unique experience that Home was. But it is our hope that, if youve enjoyed what LOOT brings to you, youll choose to follow us on our continuing adventures beyond Home. Our first PS4 game, THE LAST TINKER: CITY OF COLORS, is now available in North America and Europe. And tune in Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 2PM PST / 10PM GMT to get the inside scoop on what could quite possibly be the the greatest couch multiplayer game ever invented: FLUSTER CLUCK! gamespot/shows/the-lobby/ Looking further into the future, LOOT has a lot more lined up for you -- including, potentially, something we think a lot of you who enjoyed the Home experience will naturally gravitate towards... If you want to stay up to speed on all things LOOT, make sure to bookmark our website, https://lootentertainment/ -- its undergoing a complete overhaul right now, and youll want to see it when it goes live soon! The revamped website is not a one-way conduit; we actively want you to participate and leave comments. To that end, were proud to announce that an entire section of the LOOT website will be devoted to community news and stories! Leading up this new initiative, weve tapped the brilliant writers from one of Homes biggest fansites, HomeStation Magazine, to form the core group of contributors. Interested in being a community LOOTer? Want to share your wit and wisdom with the LOOT audience? Contact us at community@lootentertainment and lets chat. :) Its been our distinct pleasure to serve you in PlayStation Home for the last several years. We are grateful to the many fantastic personnel at SCEA, SCEE and beyond who supported us in bringing our content to you, and it has been thrilling -- *thrilling* -- to entertain you with a variety of unique experiences. Now we hope youll join LOOT as we venture beyond the walled garden of Home -- and into the greater PlayStation ecosystem. When one door closes, another opens. Lets go through it together!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 01:04:14 +0000

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