LORD BARAKH SPEAKS FROM BEYOND THE GALAXY: (IX:49) Albert Einstein said: ‘We cannot despair of humanity since we ourselves are human beings.’ . . . But what if someone is only half human? Thus speaks Son of Bárakh (also known as Allogenes, Zostrianos and Marsanes) – We are mystical guides to alien spheres of cosmic truth! (IX:50) Ithyphallic Ichthus (Iesous Christos Theou Huios Soter) releases divine ichor in the world of humanity. This sounds like a ‘fish’ tale to me! Methinks it would only spawn sea monsters – not super-men. Is this another failed second coming of Christ? It certainly is NOT the ‘great noon’ to which the Aryan prophet refers. (IX:51) Christians have been bamboozled by priests and ministers. . . . But what is a ‘boozle’? (IX:52) ‘Only God can judge me.’ – ‘Well, that certainly gets you off the hook, doesn’t it?’ (IX:53) Categorically speaking! . . . But is that not a false statement? Categories and stereotypes are similar ways of understanding reality (albeit incorrectly). There is always too much overlapping; and stereotypes are frequently based on prejudices and only on what the ‘majority’ in the designated group engage in, look like or believe. Humans are much too complicated to be validly categorized or stereotyped. Just remember, ‘ego’ is always a part of ‘categorizing’! (IX:54) Balyhoo! . . . Christians have been hoodwinked by hoodoo, hokum and hooey, which produce hoodedness of mental capabilities. And these hoodwinkers (also known as priests and ministers) are really homunculi who are hopped-up hooters of hoopla. Hoo-hah! Hoo-hah! Hoo-hah! (IX:55) ‘Od-gā s-iā ead-dā!’ – Do you speak Pig Latin? You should – Pig Latin is preferable (and better understood) than the gibberish you speak when communing with your god and discussing religion with your compatriots. . . . So, repeat after me: ‘Eligion-rā s-iā or-fā e-thā irds-bā!’ – And even ‘they’ do not believe! (IX:56) The ancient hieroglyph for god is a large ithyphallic penis, and is pronounced, ‘Futue te ipsum’! (IX:57) Agamemnon’s Revenge! . . . ‘Be silent and dance!’ – While blood drips from your hands. The victory is ours . . . Elektra leads the way! (IX:58) Do not awaken me, for I slumber in waters of forgetfulness and consolation. . . . ‘Star light, star bright / The first star I see tonight / I wish I may, I wish I might / Have the wish I wish tonight’ (IX:59) Do you manipulatively manipulate manipulation? Then you are thrice manipulative. You must be a Republican, a capitalist AND a religious fanatic! (IX:60) Awesomely awesome awesomeness! (Thrice awesome!) – Have you ‘awesomed’ anyone lately? . . . But what about god? Is he awesomely awesome or awfully awful? Well, he and his followers certainly are full of something! (IX:61) Blessedly blessed blessedness! – Hermes Trismegistus, come to our aid! Thou art thrice blessed! (IX:62) It was a big mistake when proto-humans developed language skills. After all, silence is golden! (IX:63) The fashion industry is an abomination! And those who perpetuate this ‘evil’ perpetuate one of the most heinous attitudes of vulture capitalism. They should be hemmed in by their greed, arrogance and stupidity! (IX:64) What is god? Ask a psychologist . . . Ask a philosopher. They usually have valid opinions on the subject. . . . But under no circumstance should you ask a theologian! (IX:65) I am Ba’al-Semamith (according to the King James translation of the Hebrew word ‘semamith’) – after all, I AM the spider-whisperer! But when J. C. returns to earth, he will be called Lord Lizard, since he will bring salvation to the world. O Lord, let us ‘stroke the lizard’ – we pray! (IX:66) Omphaloskepsis! Let us pray? . . . Well, it IS a navel idea. And it is certainly better than focusing on a dead fish or an ancient instrument of execution. And remember, my brothers and sisters, meditation is medication for the body and mind; but prayer is preoccupation with nothingness, which is to say, medication for the soul. May Ba’al-Barakha have mercy on thee and thee! (IX:67) ‘Monkey see, monkey do!’ -- Humans reaching the apex of evolution? . . . Heigh-hó, heigh-hó / away we go / we swing from tree to tree / we jump from limb to limb / until we fall upon the ground / and then we shout: we’re human bound! (IX:68) Is Michael rowing his boat ashore or is he rowing it gently down the stream? There seems to be a contradiction here -- much like religious dogmas. Of course, in the case of religion, his boat should break into pieces at the bottom of a water fall. And then we can sing in unison: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! . . . And do not forget, life is but a dream! (IX:69) Of course, there is another person who rows a boat down a stream (for a fee!). Indeed, he is a very famous steersman. . . . May Charon be our guide in the world of dreams and protect us from the ‘big bad wolf’! (IX:70) ‘Come hell or high water!’ . . . I choose ‘hell’ – that way I know I will be safe. Nothing versus something. It is a no-brainer! Of course, believing in ‘hell’ IS the result of ‘no brains’! Humanity still flails in the slime of superstition! (IX:71) To say you like neither such and such means that you like negative things; but to say you do not like either of such and such can be interpreted to mean you do not like positive things. But beware of double negatives -- utterances of this kind will land you in hell! You who mutilate the English language, take note! (IX:72) The superlative consists of an adverb, adjective and noun. Therefore, theologians wallow in absurdly absurd absurdity -- which is to say, theologians are thrice absurd! They are timberedly challenged (for they cannot see the trees for the forest) and they are vertically challenged (since they wallow in superstitiously superstitious superstition). (IX:73) Heaven is immaterial!
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 19:32:55 +0000

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