LORD GOD OF HEAVEN, BLESS THIS WORD FOR YOUR AWESOME HOLY GLORY I GIVE MYSELF UP N GIVE U MY PLACE TO SPEAK TO THY PEOPLE IN THE HOLIEST NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES JESUS, AMEN HE WHO HATH AN EAR, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING THE IMPACT INSPIRING MESSAGE FROM MY HEART IS: COME TO THE WORD N GET THE HELL OUT YOUR HOUSE In the bible of the book of Luke 4:38-41, Simons wifes mother was fallin ill with a great fever, and they went to go get Jesus for her. So Jesus came stood over her and rebuked the fever, and she was feelin so good that she arose with joy and praisin before the people. Verse 40 said that when the sun was setting, all who was sick was brought unto Jesus, and Jesus laid his hands on every last one and the devils came out of many saying: Thou art Christ the Son of God. See my brothers and sisters, the devils in you knows who is the big boss man is spirit over them, so we got to COME TO THE WORD AND GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR HOUSES. People back then were willingly coming to the word to get healed, delivered, saved, blessed, touched; and we got to be the same way, cause the hell in us needs to be getting gone so we can live in perfect peace and harmony. SO COME TO THE WORD N GET THE HELL OUT YOUR HOUSE. Dont wait til Jesus come to you, you go to Jesus when you are sick n tired and enough is enough. Just like the woman with the issue of blood for 12 yrs. She was in a world of hell within your house, and she pressed her way to the word so she can get the hell for 12 yrs. out of her house. She said within herself: If I can just touch him at the hem of the garment, I shall be made whole. That was an act of Faith...see, you got to press n press til you come to the word, and you might just have to reachout!!! and touch the hem of his garment to get the hell out your house. But you got to have that act of Faith. And when the hell is gone...just forget the hell...and praise God for removing the hell out your house. SO COME TO THE WORD N GET THE HELL OUT YOUR HOUSE Be at ease in Jesus name n I love u
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 04:47:17 +0000

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