LORD, HEAR OUR PRESIDENTS PRAYER Whenever men pray, God hears. - TopicsExpress


LORD, HEAR OUR PRESIDENTS PRAYER Whenever men pray, God hears. I believe He will hear our President in Israel and turn around our nations captivity. But I am worried about the sensationalization of what should be a personal act of faith and worship. I will not assume this is political. But I am certain this is the least of our needs. What we need to see is not a president on his knees in prayer but a president in his work cloth. We want to see a clear sense of direction and a disciplined determination to uphold the constitution. We want to see a firm determination to keep us all safe and secure. We want to see a steering in a clear path of economic growth and prosperity. As our Presidents light beams to the nation through a faith-inspired qualitative leadership, we will be the ones asking, Mr. President; show us your God that we may follow and serve Him. Mr. President is not alone. Very soon, those angling to lead our nation will show their pious faces at the Redemption Camp of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. I have no problem with that. God accepts all, and so should we. But they should come to worship and not to be worshiped, to praise God and not to hoodwink men, to honor God and not to use God. I figure that if Naaman were to be alive today, the Elishas of our time would have been feeding his ego instead of healing him of his leprosy. One prayer our revered President should pray in Israel is that in place of religious piety at the seat of power there will be the goodness of men; in place of mere religious observance there will be servant leadership; and in place of the defense of religion there will be the defense of the poor and the needy. And that whoever holds political power in our nation would be more concerned about living out the values of their faith than taking advantage of it. Then I would say: Lord, hear our Presidents prayer.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 06:03:44 +0000

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