LORD OF ALL THE WORLDS The Quran begins with Al Fatiha we know - TopicsExpress


LORD OF ALL THE WORLDS The Quran begins with Al Fatiha we know the meaning of it means the opening it also may give the message of victory, opening and victory although there is another chapter by that title The Victory. When someone in war with an enemy, when one army is in war with another army and one army gets victory and conquers the place that they are aiming to conquer the victory of that army over the other army in that place is referred to as fatha, and it means he opened that city. So to open a city to your purpose is a victory that is your victory that is conquest. So really Al Fatiha brings to mind not only the opening of Quran but it brings to mind the opening of the way for establishing your purpose, you open a city up, you establish your life there, you establish yourself there. The opening of the way to establish your purpose is a victory, an opening, a conquest and we are going to read it and look at the language of that chapter. The first verse is Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem unlike the other chapters it is the first verse of this chapter whereas the other chapters, Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem is the opening and the first verse begins with something else. Lets take for example the next chapter Suratul Baqara the first verse is Alif Lam Meem not Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. But for Al Fatiha the first verse is Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem and there are a total of seven verses the last being the path, the seventh of the verses. Now this chapter is called the seven matching verses, ayats so these seven are referred to as seven in doubles, so if you have seven in double the total would be 14 wouldnt it? Although the verses are seven it has a reference also to 14 and this chapter in my opinion is addressing many things, it has been called the essence of the whole Quran. What we want to look at this morning after the Fajr Prayer is its message to the whole world and not just a message to the whole world but its message to the problems that are in the way of us having the world as one. Those that came before and gave the wrong understanding in Religion caused us to see the world in pieces, in division and lost the light that wanted us first to see the world as a whole, as one, mankind as one, mans purpose as one and also creation as one and we could discuss that later maybe. So it starts off with Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem has Gd been understood not to be Ar Rahman Ar Raheem? If He hasnt, then why is this here, this is the opening, this is very important so Gd must not have been understood as Ar Rahman Ar Raheem and this has direct reference to Scripture to the people of Abraham, Scripture that came to the people of Abraham, Jews and Christians and those in the world who have similar beliefs. So we find in the Scripture the Jews there is one extreme and in the Scripture of the Christian another extreme. We are not here to criticize anybodys religion or anybodys scripture ok; Im perfectly at peace with the Jews and Christians when they follow their Religion. One extreme was the Jews who made the world Israel and made the Lord the Lord of Israel not the Lord of all people, the Gd of Israel etc, so this is the one extreme that Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem comes to correct. And when the Christians come and they look at the Gd of Israel through the teachings of Christ Jesus as they understand the teaching of Christ Jesus they look at the Jewish people and the Old Testament as they call it and they resent the extreme the Jews went to. And they see the Jews vision or perception of Gd as a Gd that is stern, severe, and a punishing Gd---a Gd that is ready to punish. So the Christians went to the other extreme and they said, oh no, Gd is a loving Gd, now you know we cannot give Gd too much praise as a Gd of love and mercy etc., but if you dont have that balance then you lead the people to another extreme where Gd becomes lover and mercy and they forget the restrictions, they forget the law they forget that Gd is severe and punishing too. So we have these two extremes in the world and the Quran came to correct that and put us square and solidly on our feet and in the balance, you see I just made a cross didnt I? I said solidly on our feet and in the balance. So the Quran came to put us upright, solidly upon our feet and in the balance not going to either extreme. And the message to the world is that Gd, yes, Gd is Beneficent. In the translation of the Ahmadiyyah, which is an excellent translation, it just has some problems, few serious problems but it is an excellent translation. Gd is the Beneficent the Merciful and now we use the language, Gd is Merciful in giving, in generosity in His kindness supplying us with all of our needs so we say the Merciful Benefactor and the Merciful Redeemer. Gd is Mercy in redeeming man after he has gone astray, fell and lost the way, Gd is Merciful to bring him back, to redeem him to give him life again. He gave it to him in the first place; His mercy gave him life in the first place from his mother came the life, mercy and the life, from his father---but Im speaking of the compassion now---mama is symbolic of the compassion that is shown the light. One teacher in al Islam, he said the man carries the light burden the woman carries the heavy burden; the sperm is light the baby in the womb is heavy. So the womb of the mama is the mercy of Gd where the life is received and cared for there in the domain of the womb of the mother; the exact language you know we dont use the exact language, science tells us just where that baby is but we do know its in the stomach because it gets so large the stomach just explodes almost. So she carries that burden while the life is there it is being cared for, it experiences no difficulties, it comes out here it cant remember any pain, we know it suffered but it doesnt remember any of it, it cant remember any pain, cant recall any discomfort and it is enwrapped, wrapped up there very nicely, protected very nicely until it becomes fully developed for delivery into our world so this is compassion, the mercy of Gd. Then when the baby comes out, the baby finds milk ready the mother doesnt have to say I have a living child here, what am I going to feed it? Food is there ready; food is right where she would like to hold it to her heart right? She likes to hold it to her heart and the food is right there at that place so this is symbolic of the mercy and beneficence of Gd, the merciful benefit that comes with mercy to the human being. And then Gd is Ar Raheem we mentioned that He is mercy after we lose the way, then He is mercy to help us come back to the way to redeem us after we are lost or after we are astray. So that is why Gd is Ar Rahman to show that Gd is merciful, yes, but He didnt just become merciful with the Christian era He was merciful from the very beginning in creating the world and creating life that is where we see His mercy. So His giving and educating and helping man to come to civilization has been His mercy so the people before the Christian era they were given guidance the people of the Book they were given guidance that guided them to the path of knowledge and benefit and that is the mercy of Gd. So mercy is not just helping the sick, the blind to see that is not the only mercy, the big mercy is that Gd created this bountiful universe and is so kind in bringing you the benefits of this universe, Gd is merciful, but dont forget that His mercy is not just coming His mercy has been always, that is the point. Then it says now that we see Gd in the right light now we can praise Him…with the right praise the Bible says with the perfect praise, Al Hamdu lillaah praise is to Gd the second problem Rabbil `Alameen somebody said he is Lord of Israel, no He is Lord of all the worlds He is everybodys Lord equally too. IWDM
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 00:10:05 +0000

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