LOS LAZAROS ARISE IN OUR LIFE When Mary came where Jesus was - TopicsExpress


LOS LAZAROS ARISE IN OUR LIFE When Mary came where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said: Lord , if You had been here, my brother would not have died . John 11:32 You are wondering what will be the next phase of this spiritual transition , and is likely to have been seeking God in prayer in a more intense way, and you feel tired and exhausted , but God has been closing all doors in order you will find a deeper way. He is waiting for his flesh dies , indeed, as happened with Lazarus, is hoping to breathe new life stinks , new forces , new layout, new vision, new hope , new gifts . John 12:24 I tell you the truth : if a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies , it remains the same grain . But if it falls into the earth and dies, it produces many grains. Jesus is notified of Lazaruss illness and decides not to rush to find it. In fact, he decides to go to Judea instead of going to Bethany , the house where Martha , Mary and Lazarus lives . It is very hard for the disciples to understand the reality of the situation. When he arrives in Bethany four days later, Marta stands questioning the Lord why He was not there when they needed Him Lord tells her, did not I tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God? . Mary then approaches the Lord with the same question , but his stance was prostrate at his feet as a sign of respect , honor and submission. The attitude of Mary touched deep emotions of Jesus. This fact made Jesus cry with her and he should act the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus. The series of events that we see Mary create are the key to our lives this year. In all our situations and circumstances adopt a posture of worship. This word was shared today Vawser Lana once again confirming what God has laid on my heart : God wants us to become worshipers in spirit and truth. This week is a crucial week for many . This week will usher in progress and change and acceleration in the Spirit , a sudden change , for those who have been feeling on the verge of opportunity and a new season. Pay attention to worship this week. Increase their worship Him and see how He moves and accelerating invading their world. This is a week of deep and radical delivery. Learning how to live a surrendered life . Most foundations will be established in this area in many lives this week. Jesus again surrender all your dreams , your life, your all and watch them revive John 11:41-44 Then they took away the stone. Jesus looked up and said, Father , I thank you for hearing me . 42 I knew that you always hear me , but I said this for the people standing here , that they may believe that thou hast sent me . Having said this, he cried with all his might : -Lazarus, come out ! The dead man came out , with bandages on his hands and feet , and his face wrapped with a cloth . - Loose him and let him go , Jesus told them
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 05:22:08 +0000

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