LOUIS BEAM Greetings, The stories of the men who fight for - TopicsExpress


LOUIS BEAM Greetings, The stories of the men who fight for Novorossia which I share with you goes to the heart and mind of those who fight in that great struggle. Honour, duty and courage— it is all shown. Worthy virtues, just like we used to have here in America, vanished in a bygone time before we became a cesspool of alien thought, culture and degeneracy coupled to political corruption that erased those values from the majority of our men. How I wish we here in the U.S. were still like such men as now fight there in Novorossiya. For the things they hold dear and believe in are far closer to my heart and soul than the thinking of most mind-washed present day Americans. You may question why I would call that conflict there to the south of Russia a “great” struggle when most of the world lives their lives in complete oblivion of what is going on there, and the sacrifices being made both by the solders and the civilian population, the wives, the parents, sons and daughters. Such question of what constitutes a “great struggle” are only asked by those who have never endured the bullets flying past their head, the bone-jarring, ear-bursting explosions of rockets crashing but a few feet distance from one’s body, or the sleepless nights, bad food and constant tragedy of death, blood and human destruction all around. Any person so engaged is in the greatest struggle a person may endure, and is a person who can only hope to come out on the other side in one piece with all of his body parts still attached, and with enough hope left that there may yet be a kinder future. That is the “great struggle” of which I speak that these men now endure, and which we fellow solders of former times completely understand. To do your duty, to remain always stalwart, to give the last full measure of your existence if needed to protect your comrades, all of this while not knowing if you will live to see the sunset that day is the mark of true greatness. So it is indeed a great struggle to those engaged in it. The vast majority of my countrymen have replaced honour with sports, duty with television, and decency with the right to use filthy words in front of our women and children. An America where the bleep on TV to cover foul language is so constant that it has become the new national anthem. Where outright perverted degeneracy is promoted by those culture destroyers who own the media and run the government. The American people as a whole absorb and accept as normal such decadence and appear no longer able to think for themselves, but like dumb fatted sows accept the swill they are given while grunting approval. At the very same time our children are taught in public schools to become aliens to the America of our forefathers and tolerant of every evil and vile behaviour, ideology and destructive lifestyle. All of this transpires while our borders are invaded with impunity and our native folk overrun with new Americans who will oversee our decline and destruction— invaders who could never have power over us were it not for the help of corrupt politicians who lead this country quickly to its demise for the dollars they receive in their large pockets. It is a curse to live in such a time among such people. It is no doubt a punishment inflicted on this country for the crimes it has committed both at home and abroad over the last 150 years. Thus, most of our men have been struck into dumb cowards, and most of our women debased of grace and good judgment. God is not mocked. Such a people as I describe are not my people and they can never be so. I share values far more in common with the man who fights for his homeland’s freedom in a faraway place than I do with most of my native born countrymen. How oddly strange that it should be so; many of those of my own country I no longer know in spirit nor can I understand their mental and moral weakness. While a people who live in Novorossiya, a land far removed from my native shores, I know well in spirit, and thus, can respect greatly their struggle and sacrifice for the freedom of their people. It is this very kindred spirit of which I speak that compels me to give a word of warning to our present gloating masters in control of America. It will not ever be so that you rule over us without resistance. For your destruction of the minds of the majority of our people is not complete. Remaining in this land is the remnant of the brave, hard men who founded this country and who once made it a free beacon of liberty to all mankind. I have spent thirty years of my life looking into their minds and hearts and I can tell you that these men despise you for your degeneracy, debauchery and your criminal, anti-social thoughts and customs which you have now pushed upon our people. These men who loath your villainy are scattered here and there throughout this once great land. They exist among, yet apart, from the corrupt masses of mindless servants you have created to serve your state. Someday they will free themselves from you. For these men, of whom I speak now, have the heart and soul of the very men who today fight your kind in Novorossia. Today it is Novorossia that resists the evils I have described. God willing tomorrow it will be here in America. And beware, for men in Europe also awaken from slumber. Honour, duty, loyalty, folk and willingness to fight for one’s people, these are the enemies you cannot destroy, control or suppress forever. They will come for you in time here in America— just as they do now in Novorossia. There are yet stalwart men here and in Europe who have made it their life’s purpose to free themselves of evil corrupt rule and the destruction of their culture. Thus, my spirit is of necessity allied more closely with brave men in a distant land who resist valiantly their destroyers than it is with craven cowards nearby who are so lacking in judgment that they applaud those who enslave them, empower those who rob them, and obey those who destroy the future of their children and the right to life of their own folk. May God in heaven strike us dead before we ever bend the knee or lower our head before such enemies. Let that, then, be the vow of every good man yet remaining— for there is no border between us of kindred spirit. Louis Beam Post Script: A note to the men, women and suffering civilian population fighting for Novorossiya: I would advise you to look to my own country for the bitter results of defeat. I am not talking about the United States, but rather my home state Texas and the Southland of the free and independent Confederacy from 1861-1865. Our land has been occupied by federal forces since Robert Lee and his exhausted army surrendered in 1865. For 150 years now my people have known the tread of a victorious enemy boots upon our soil. They have attempted to obliterate every vestige of our culture and heritage possible, while mocking our religion and defaming our people in movies, books and television. Our people are held to ridicule and portrayed as ignorant buffoons on national television while our children are taught in federal schools to be ashamed of their father’s values and reject the learning of our people since the time of the Greeks. This is what defeat tastes like when its most bitter, mind destroying, destructive dregs are swallowed. Therefore, preserve your land, your people and your folk ways from those who come to destroy them. A short video I found interesting: youtu.be/9dBNO2FR1FQ
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:59:18 +0000

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